Monday, September 30, 2019
Inner City Neighborhoods
Writing 100 – Essay 4 One problem that faces inner city neighborhoods is boredom. Everyday residents may be scared to leave their homes late at night out of fear that something might happen because of danger. Whether it’s getting mug on the sidewalk or being held at gun point because someone wants to steal their car, any reason is a good enough reason for these residents to be scared for their lives. Residents have to come up with ideas to help improve the reoccurring crimes. I’m sure that political figures would also like to help these inner city neighborhoods, but don’t always have the funding to do so.Individuals who drop out of college or even high school at such a young age can’t do much with their lives because they have no skills to get them a job. One bad decision like having unprotected sex, can lead to failing at life which can cause pregnancies at an early age. These harmless children are forced to grow up in around people who won’ t make the right decisions for them at a young age which causes them to mistakenly make the same decisions that their parents made. Situations like these, where young children can’t get the help they need, are what cause high unemployment rates.Sadly, this doesn’t only happen in inner city neighborhoods. I’ve seen it happen in my own neighborhood with kids that I have grown up with and decided that certain decisions would be okay and those same decisions took over their lives and took away opportunities that they can now never get back. If there were more centers in inner city areas with either free or cheap activities for citizens, more kids, teens, and young adults would have activities or games to do instead of walking the streets.It would stop people from doing drugs, robbing stores, or hurting passersby on the sidewalk, from getting drunk and trying to take advantage of one another and making hurtful decisions. One example of a hurtful decision was in Janua ry of this year in Brooklyn. A New York City policeman was shot in the back of the head while pursuing a man who had reportedly been armed with a gun. I happen to know the policeman, Officer Brennan, who’s his young daughter and wife are what gave him the power to believe that he could make it through this tragedy.If people go to these centers, maybe they wouldn’t stay out as late. However, if they’re not free, it’s less money that they can spend on drugs and alcohol. These would be centers where one can rent equipment and a court to play select sports for a certain amount of time. For example, on Long Island there are plenty of things to do in almost any town and crime is lower. In the inner city neighborhoods people have less money and less activities. Having paintball arenas, airsoft arenas, and other controlled environments can be rewarding and reflecting of what good behavior should be like.I’m sure that spending the small amount of money, aro und ten dollars a group, for these activities or games wouldn’t be a problem because some people like to compete and play a lot of pick-up sport games with random people. Growing up in these places just might make future generations fall into the same bad path of doing drugs and the same wrongful decisions and getting into trouble or even getting killed. Every day in the newspapers or on the news you can read or hear about a new story where someone made a bad decision and some innocent person was accidentally harmed or killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.The country has been coming out of a recent state of economic depression which caused various amounts of job loss across the country thus, giving too many people too much free time. And now that the hurricane came and wiped out the nice places, citizens now have less things to do on weekends and their days off from work. I think that crime will increase in these inner city neighborhoods because of these reas ons. I like to know that when I leave my house every day to go to school that I’m not going to die in a car accident because of someone recklessly driving to get away from the police.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
National Hero of Philippines: Jose Rizal
1. My dad always tells me that behind every great man is a greater family. Maybe what he meant was no one could be great in life without the help of his family or without his family along with him. This was concretely shown in Rizal’s life. Being the great man that he is, Rizal was brought up by his parents very well that he became almost excellent and great in all that he did. Way back in my elementary days, we were asked what we would like to be when we grow up. I answered, â€Å"My dad is a great, smart and handsome accountant and I wanna be just like him.†I believed that what we turn out to be is patterned on our parents, how we are brought up by them and how our family supports us in what we do. In Rizal’s case, his abilities, I believe, came from his parents. His skills in literature particularly in poems and his skill in speaking Spanish came from the upbringing he got from his mother, Teodora Alonso and his skills in philosophy came from his father, Francisco Mercado. I admire Rizal’s parents because even if they were part of the principalia, they lived simply and taught their children to live humbly. They exercised their children to be good-mannered, respectful to everyone, disciplined and God-fearing. They were strict to their children and they, just like any other parents, disciplined their children physically because they believed in the saying â€Å"Spare the rod and spoil the child†. They also taught Rizal and his siblings to love God above all. This was concretely shown in their practice of attending mass every day, praying the angelus at home and praying the rosary before going to sleep at night. However, being strict and very religious persons that they are, they let their kids have time for playing. All of that taught Rizal to balance everything in his life, to have time for studying, for God, for him and for his family but still manage to have fun once in a while. Based from my experience, I know a lot of people who have very unsupportive family or came from a broken family and who is now unsuccessful in life. All I’m saying is, Rizal would not be what he became if it were not because of the help of his family, especially, his parents. 2. â€Å"Sandali lang ha, mag-aaral lang ako sa Rizal para maging accountant ako†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This, I always say, to whomever I am talking to before studying for this subject. Most often, I wonder, what does the Rizal course have to do with my chosen college course, accountancy? Rizal was not an accountant. So why study this? As we started our journey through this course, little by little, I began to understand why we have Rizal in our curriculum. For one reason, it is a law to have a Rizal subject in all the courses of all universities. So, just by this reason, we have no way out from studying this course. But talking as a Filipino, I believe that we have to study Rizal because if we reflect, what we really know about Rizal are only the 2 novels he made which were Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, that he died because what he wrote were all against the Spaniards and that he is our national hero. But what we do not know is that Rizal is just an ordinary person like us before all that happen and like what Mr. Ungriano said, I believe that there is always a Rizal in every Filipino and I hope to find that Rizal in me with the help of this course. Rizal’s life, thoughts, ideas, works, principles and convictions are very influential to people’s life. Taking the case of the late Ninoy Aquino into consideration, I believed that he was greatly influenced by Rizal. That’s one example of his influence of his heroism. In this course, we will see how Rizal influenced many Filipinos by his childhood, by how he was brought up by his parents, by how he was as a student, by how well he did in college, etc. My personal reason why I am interested in studying him is to know why, of all our heroes, he became our national hero. I have been insisting all my life that Andres Bonifacio should be our national hero, because in the first place, he was the one who fought the Spaniards sword-to-sword and he was the one who gathered all Filipino to go against the Spaniards. But there was a point in Bonifacio’s life that I missed. He never won any battle and he surrendered to the Spaniards. Even Aguinaldo, our 1st president, surrendered to the Americans. In the other hand, Rizal, who used only his pen, which was said as a weapon mightier than the sword, in fighting for freedom, never surrendered from a fight even in the last moments in his life. Lastly, studying Rizal’s life and works is a way of saying thank you to him for all his sacrifices and deep sense of nationalism that greatly contributed and led to our country’s freedom. Maybe one thing that we should really work on is our love for our country and who knows, someone in our generation might be the next Rizal. As what I have said, Rizal is just an ordinary person, but the most extraordinary of all his kind.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Gear Design Software
White Paper on E-Yantra Gear Overview : E-Yantra Gear E-Yantra Gear is a software for design and optimization of gears. E-Yantra Gear gives engineers an opportunity to have several design alternatives and select the optimum design in a very short time, thereby reducing the time taken by design phase in the product life-cycle. In E-Yantra Gear, fatigue-based design is done so gears can be designed for finite or infinite life. E-Yantra Gear includes design (as per IS / AGMA / DIN standard) and analysis of following gear types: ? Spur Gear ? Helical Gear ? Bevel Gear ? Worm Gear Specifications : E-Yantra Gear E-Yantra Gear module has a very user friendly interface with which gear can be designed starting from minimum data like power, gear ratio and input speed. Initially an optimum module is calculated on the basis of which the gear is checked for acceptability. In addition, E-Yantra Gear includes other modules as given below: ? Gear Correction (as per IS/DIN/BIS standard) ? Gear Measurement (MOT/Base Tangent/Chordal Measurement) ? Magnification/Reduction Gear Box Design for Spur & Helical Gear (as per IS/DIN/BIS standard). ? Differential gear box ? Epicyclic gear box (Simple & Compound) ? Machine Tool Gear Box (Ray diagram) ? Tolerances E-Yantra Gear module can develop two dimensional sketches in the form of IGES and DXF formats which can be transferred to any standard modeling software such as AutoCAD or any analysis software. FEAST Software Pvt. Ltd. 1st Floor, Amartara Plastic Compound, Saki Vihar Road, Saki Naka, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 072, INDIA Phone: +91-22 6770 8753 Email : [email protected]are. com www. feastsoftware. com  © 2010. FEAST Software Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. White Paper on E-Yantra Gear Input Screen Output Screen  © 2010. FEAST Software Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The impact of Communicational climate on job satisfaction and job Literature review
The impact of Communicational climate on job satisfaction and job performance - Literature review Example Many organizations are run through managerial leadership or rather transactional leadership. Burns (1978) says that transactional leadership is based on the assumption that improving communication will increase morale and motivation, which in turn will increase individual and organizational performance (p. 55). It makes a lot of senses that satisfied workers will work harder and perform better than dissatisfied workers; if people are happy at work, they should work harder and perform better than dissatisfied workers; if people are happy at work, they should be more committed to their organization and thus should want to work harder to make sure their organization succeeds. Northhouse (2010) argues that relational strategies do have positive effects on performance in the production-oriented firms, but not for the reasons typically ascribed to it (p. 45). Rafaeli & Sudweeks (1994) says that 50 years of research on the bond between job satisfaction and performance have not found strong relationships between the two (p. 99). The average correlation is 0.14 which means that about 2 percent of differences in employee’s performance can be attributed to differences in their job satisfaction or that other factors simultaneously increase both satisfaction and performance. Organizational communication usually takes the form of top-bottom communication meaning that communication comes from top managers to lower rank employees. This is the most common although bottom-top communication also occurs at times. Pliskin & Romm (1990) says that a string of later studies exposed empirical evidence suggesting that employee’s perceptions of top management communication influence employee’s job satisfaction and performance (p. 56-60). Poole (1983) found in a study of hospital nurses, for example, that the factors most influencing nurses’ job satisfaction, and performance
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Why Trial by Jury Should Be Retained Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Why Trial by Jury Should Be Retained - Essay Example It is though this confidence that citizens appreciate the independence and the important role played by the judicial system. Trial through a jury has been a long tradition in the justice system that it is considered as unique approach in the justice system in that it requires the use of ordinary citizens without prior legal training to hear evidence in a court of law, make sense of the conflicting facts and the application of legal rules to reach a final verdict about which all or the majority of jurors can agree. Thousands of cases are heard and determined by juries annually and prediction regarding the potential verdicts has a large influence on the decisions required to settle civil lawsuits and in offering and accepting plea bargains in most criminal cases. Jury trials have therefore an important role to play in the law. It is through these juries that psychologists can better perceive how individuals perceive, interpret and remember evidence and the various ways in which the jur or members can establish consensus with one another. Largely, the use of these juries in trials is mainly observed as giving the public the power and entrusting them to govern themselves in that the members are just ordinary public with no prior training in law. Most western countries through this have undertaken to use juries in both criminal and civil cases. Does it mean that judges are not entrusted to pass out credible verdicts? Not really. Jurors are just intended to ensure that the trial has the view and acceptance of the ordinary man. ii. Facts and statistics on juries In 2005, about 16,397 tort cases were disposed by jury or bench with the jury hearing 90% of these cases. 80% of all jury trails globally takes place in the US 70% of Japanese citizens reluctant to serve in the jury In 2009, there were six verdicts over $1,000,000 in the US in medical malpractices with largest being at $23.6 million settled after trail (Day, 2010). iii. Objectives of the review This review has several objectives which are; Evaluating the importance of a jury Understanding how a jury operates Recommending the retention of juries in corridors of justice. iv. How jurors operate. Jurors in most cases do a good job in weighing the evidence provided and applying the law in passing out the verdict of an accused (Greene & Bornstein, 2000). Usually, where jurors are considered to have erred, there is evidence that the errors reflect well documented and universal psychological principles that may include heuristic reasoning and attribution errors (Greene & Bornstein, 2011). This may aid in watering down the numerous criticism along with extensive media coverage that portray sensitive cases that have been used to portray the jury as being incompetent and resulting to wrong judgments especially in criminal cases. These errors occurring within the acceptable and recognized psychological principles explain the overall usefulness of these juries in civil and criminal cases and further e xplain that there is an importance of retaining them in the corridors of justice. The lack of fairness in the court system may be attributed to: System not offering required protection to citizens form harm by bringing offenders to the required justice Proceedings in the court system being lengthy Outcome of sentences portraying a disconnection between the crime committed and the senesce handed to offenders (Falconer, 2006) Juries in most cases ensure that judges entrust fairness and preserve the issue of subjective decision making in convicting persons in a court of law (Lea, 2006). The role of jury is to weigh the evidence this is presented in court, apply the law as directed by the trial judge regarding the
Inexorable Fate of Catherine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Inexorable Fate of Catherine - Essay Example The actions and attitude of Catherine towards life and death, religion and ateism reflected that a person with a wide range of feelings had a fuller life than a person with a more restricted rang. When I read this chapter, it makes me think that we are alive when we are feeling freshly, or profoundly, or delicately; and that lack of all feeling is death and unconsciousness. But certain distinctions we can make within the scope of these propositions are by no means widely recognized; for instance, that fresh, strong feeling in Catherine is a different thing from the mass strong feeling she had faced with during the wartime. The life experience of Catherine depicted that some types and manifestations of human feeling were gross self-indulgence and were not at all the thing they appeared to be, in other words "this was what people got for loving each other" (Hemingway, 329). I disagreed with indifference and protests of Catherine against a priest. In my opinion, Catherine should change her mind and asked God to help her, but she refused. Henry asked Catherine: "Do you want me to get a priest or any one to come and see you", but she answered "Just you" (Hemingway, 330). On the other hand, this remark shows great love between Catherine and Henry, their mutual trust and support. Reading this chapter, I came to conclusion that in childhood, people believe subconsciously in superficial power of some thing beyond our understanding, in adolescence period, we deny everything being unable to join scientific knowledge about the world and unscientific knowledge on which religion is based. At the end of the chapter I understood that love to Henry was the only true faith for Catherine. I was amazed by courage and personal strength of Catherine in this chapter. Her courage and bravery proved the idea that only in difficult situations people show their real nature and courage: "When the pains were bad she called them good ones" (Hemingway, 326). Toughness stems were not from insensitivity but from a strict personal code which functions as the character's sole defense against the overwhelming chaos of death. Catherine was a real hero trying to support and encourage Henry. She told that she was "'not going to die" (Hemingway 326). The following passage was the most impressive part of the chapter, because as a reader I could do nothing to change the course of events but remain a passive viewer of human sufferings. "It seems she had one hemorrhage after another. They couldn't stop it. I went into the room and stayed with Catherine until she died. She was unconscious all the time, and it did not take her very long to die" (Hemingway 331). It was really difficult for me to read the rest of the chapter realizing that Catherine "would die" (Hemingway 327). The great irony of Catherine's death was that she had helped people all her life saving dozens of soldiers, but was faced with ultimately death of her own. The crying injustice was that she gave birth to a child who was stillborn. Her downfall was a result of a fatal flaw of events, a trait which she could not help as it was a fate which caused the tragedy and death. Catherine suffered beyond what could be expected, and paid beyond measure for whatever love and happiness she had. A new life always symbolizes great expectations and hopes which can change the life of a person or a family for the good, but for Catherine it resulted in death. Catherine tells Henry: "I'm not brave any more, darling, I'm
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Critique - Essay Example The competitors will always try to take steps to improve their position in the market. It is the accountability of the leaders at an organization that is crucial in order to surpass the expectations of the customers by providing them with the goods and the services that meet their demand. This report tries to exhibit how the companies face problems when the changes need to be implemented in the business model. It tries to demonstrate that in order to bring transformation in Blockbusters; it is significant to bring short term wins. The report has followed SMART objectives where it has precisely predicted what it wants to achieve in the stipulated period of time. For instance, the report states that it wants to achieve profitability at 18 months’ mark. However, it fails to demonstrate the steps that the company would take if it is unable to achieve the desired profitability within the period of 18 months. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the report lacks
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assignment - Essay Example Therefore, the government and private sector must work hand in hand in order to enhance cyber security. The government is justified in telling the private sector how to enhance or improve cyber security because there is urgent need to protect and secure our processors/computers , financial institutions, confidential information on national security and other significant aspects of the governments infrastructure (Kirby n.p). The government is calling on a tough government regulation of what is posted in the cyber space. The government understands that the computer systems needs to be secure because of the ever increasing function of information and the rapid growth in e-commerce area have made cyber security significant to the economy. In addition, cyber security is important to the functioning of safety essential systems like response to an emergency and to the guard of government’s infrastructure systems. The private sector have been opposing governments efforts to impose stricter regulation of cyber security but it is of great significance to protect the telecommunication sector and electric grid that is in the hands of the private sector. If a United States of America enemy attacked the computer system or networks that control these sectors, private organizations that own them would have to handle these network themselves without government’s aid. Such a situation will leave the United States of America infrastructure exposed and vulnerable in case of cyber war with its enemies (Kirby n.p). Private sectors should understand that the world has changed and that we are in an information society where data or information matters, therefore, as organizations, this makes them the front line not the support system in influencing and determining what is exposed or disseminated. The government released that private industry has been lacking behind in cyber security and that
Monday, September 23, 2019
ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS - Essay Example Moreover, the tax expense figure provided in the consolidated income statement was $10.704mn. (a) The author of the journal article performed a statistical method which involved recalculation of earnings per share after reviewing 489,000 quarterly reports of 22,000 companies. They recalculated EPS to 1/10 of a cent instead of keeping it in penny. By doing so they found out that the occurrence of the three digits including 2, 3, or 4 in this format was significantly low as compared to other digits which raised doubts as each of these digits should have appeared 10% of the time (Thurm, 2010). (c) It has been indicated that adjustments are made to valuation of inventory or they are done in the form of assessment by the companies regarding the proportion of accounts receivables which they expect not to collect and therefore is recorded as bad debts. These are examples of ways in which companies can report higher earnings. It could therefore be stated that these adjustments are subjective to the assessment and consideration of factors by companies and those who are analyzing the accounts. However, if reasonable basis for justifying these estimates are made by companies then such steps are not considered illegal. (d) When companies are required to prepare earnings restatement reports when their previous published financial statements are found to contain errors, omissions, or misstatements. From the article it could be indicated that the authors of the article through their methods found that those companies were informed to restate their earnings or were alleged for accounting violations which had low number of occurrence of digit 4 in the 1/10th place. Such companies could therefore be considered as the ones which are involved in rounding off their earnings figure. (e) From the article it can be understood that the authors are of the view that even a single penny difference in the reported EPS can have impact on the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Apostle Paul Essay Example for Free
The Apostle Paul Essay This report paper will be on the life of Paul. We will look at many various different facts about this influential man of God. We all know the apostle Paul was used of God in a miraculous way, but this paper will take a behind the scenes look at some areas. I also endeavor to make this paper come alive and reveal things about the apostle Paul that maybe have never been discovered by the average reader and possibly forgotten by the veteran Christian. The Author of Acts First, let me begin by saying that in Acts class we learned the importance of Acts for the local New Testament church today. When the church is of course if we would just be reminded to get back to the book of Acts then we would see many of our church problems disappear in no time at all. Contrary to what many baby Christians believe the Apostle Paul did not write the Book of Acts, but rather we learn that Luke wrote it. This was Luke’s second treatise as it is written. Paul’s Transition The Apostle Paul that we know at the end of his Epistles is not the same as when we first meet him in the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul came a long way from where he was to where he ended up. The Bible tells us that he would persecute the Church passionately and without regard for the Believers. The Apostle Paul was arguably the world’s most influential missionary (obviously not counting the Lord Jesus) to ever walk planet earth. Paul was not always his name but actually he was called Paul only after his conversion. Paul’s first and original name was Saul. Saul was a terror to the church and a modern day widow maker in his heyday. We even see Saul there early on when Stephen the martyr was being slain by his adversaries. We read the account firsthand in Acts the seventh chapter verse fifty-eight the Bible says: Act 7:58 And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young mans feet, whose name was Saul. Paul’s Childhood Before we get to far ahead in the story let me give a little bit of history of Saul from Tarsus. Saul was born either very close to the same time that Jesus was born or within a few years of His birth. He was born and lived in the city of Tarsus. Tarsus was a roman providence in the southeast of Asia Minor. This undoubtedly was beautiful lush gardens and beautiful scenery for Saul to enjoy growing up. Paul’s Schooling Saul enjoyed great scenery growing up but more importantly because of where he lived he received the best education of that day that money could buy. Saul from an early age was already leaps and bounds ahead of his peers academically. Saul had a sharp mind and we will see he used that later on his ministry, and the writing of Romans which I believe was written by the Apostle Paul. Paul was living the all around Jewish dream people would say as they heard about all he had. Paul’s Family We do not know much about the history and background of Saul’s family. We do however know that his dad was of one of the strictest tribe of the Jews. He was a Pharisee and also of the tribe of Benjamin. He had nothing but pure unmixed non tainted blood in their thinking. Paul’s Religion Act 23:6 But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question. His father was a Roman citizen, but we do not read in the Scriptures if the apostle Paul was wed or not. Saul grew up and finished his preliminary studies approximately at the age of thirteen. After this beginning he would gone to a prominent Jewish school to study law. Saul was privileged to have been able to study under the significant rabbi Gamaliel. It was here that he spent an immense amount of time pouring himself into his studies and where he learned many things. Historians tell us that Saul was already gaining political prowess and prestige rapidly ahead of his peers. Many people believe that Saul was already heavily involved in the Sanhedrin. Saul became an extreme activist and zealous about persecuting the church. This was partially ironic because we already know that Saul trained and learned from Gamaliel who taught the exact opposite of that. We see him standing up as one of the council saying: Act 5:34-35 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space; And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men. Act 5:38-39 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. Paul as a Persecutor Now that Saul was intent on persecuting the church he looked for Christians everywhere. Saul was a man that did no task half way. Saul would give everything in life one hundred and ten percent as we see evident all though the study of his life. Saul discovered one way or another that there were Christians in Damascus and so after a discussion with the chief priest he received orders or permission to take care of business. Saul was so dedicated that we see he is willing to make the one hundred and thirty mile trek to persecute the church. The chief priest gave him permission to go to Damascus and bring both men and women bound back to Jerusalem. Paul’s Conversion On this trip to Damascus is where Saul gets confronted with the truth and converted to the truth. The Lord stops him in his tracks and on his path by shining a bright light around him. The Lord asks him a question from Heaven,†Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Saul falls to the ground under the power of the light and asks, â€Å"Who art thou, Lord?†and Jesus replies to him by saying,†I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Right away Saul falls under intense conviction was converted and immediately asks the Lord what He would have him to do. On a brief side note this is an incredible testimony to the conversion and character of Saul. He would do everything one hundred percent and never give up until the Lord moved him and we see that every time he goes through a difficult situation (which was quite often) in his ministry. Saul’s name was eventually changed to Paul later on (which is the Gentile name) and he is temporarily blinded by the bright light. He fasts and goes without food or drink for three days. Scholars speculate it was there that he agonized and struggled but returned victoriously. A few days later he received his sight after Ananais put his hands on him and he was baptized. Paul’s Ministry He writes and informs us in Galatians that after his salvation experience he spent some time alone in the desert area of Arabia. After a period of some three years Paul is now charged up and ready to go. Many people speculate as to what exactly Paul did for those three years. We believe with research that is it safe to say that the Apostle Paul was deep in studying and learning more and more. Paul was a Pharisaical man before, but now after dealings with the Lord we see him as dry sponge soaking up the wisdom of the Word and becoming reading to dispense of it. Three years later he returned to Damascus and was ready to now preach boldly. Unfortunately they did not receive him kindly and he was forced to flee for his own personal safety. He left and went unto Jerusalem only to face the same result three weeks later. Paul was beginning to face the beatings and persecutions and torture that he had so readily dished out to the people to whom now he was called to minister. Paul was undergoing life altering events that did not even seem to faze him in the least possible way. The Apostle Paul was starting to really emerge and became quickly one of the leading missionaries for the faith. We see the church at Antioch catch spiritual fire and become burden for missions and those around them. They decided to send John Mark, Barnabas, and Paul on their very first missionary trip. This would revolutionize missions for ever after. Paul’s First Missionary Trip These three men would begin sailing from Seleucia across to Cyprus which was approximately eighty miles to the southwest. It was on this journey that Saul would no longer be called Saul but rather the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul took the lead role on this trip and took charge. They trekked across the mainland, and unfortunately for whatever reason John Mark left the missions field. The absence of John Mark would become a sore spot between Barnabas and the Apostle Paul in the future. However, the trip continued and they passed though Pamphylia, Pisidia, and Lycaonia. They turned the world upside down with their passion and mission trip. As they returned back home they retraced their steps visiting babes in Christ along the way and encouraged many churches. They would ordain elders within the church to act as an overseer in their presence to make sure all things would continue as they were. From the city of Perga they sailed unto Antioch. Paul’s Division After a while being in Antioch the Apostle Paul proposed that they return and check up on their brethren to see how they fared. The planning was going great and the trip was sure to be even bigger and better than the first until it came to a screeching halt. For the aforementioned reasons there was a sharp division between the two. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, his cousin, and give him another chance, but the Apostle Paul was quick to remember what happened last time when John Mark bailed on them. The division was so sharp that they parted company Paul’s Second Missionary Trip Paul began his second missionary journey with a new missionary partner, Silas. Barnabas took his cousin and went on a missionary journey separate. The Apostle Paul began this missionary trip about A.D. 51. Each missionary tour that Paul took he wanted to stay out a little longer and go a little further in to the mission field. After each missionary trip he would return to Antioch give reports to the churches and check up on and encourage the brethren. Paul’s Third Missionary Trip On this third missionary trip he toured the upper coast of Asia Minor as he made his way slowly to Ephesus. As we said earlier each trip the apostle Paul wanted to stay longer and longer on the mission field and this trip was no different. He tarried there with the brethren for three years ministering to them. Like the other trips he suffered much persecution here as well. It seems that this trip might have had the most severe torture as Paul was getting older the beatings were becoming more severe and the hurled rocks would only hurt that much more against his bare sun beat back. Paul suffered so much on his mission’s trips yet he always wanted to do more and he maintained a joyful attitude despite his circumstances. Conclusion The Apostle Paul was a man that experienced great transformation in his life. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisee’s and Hebrew and on his way to Hell. God miraculously saved him on his way to persecute the church and turned his life around. Paul was a zealous man with a lot of passion whatever he did and the ministry was no different. Paul went on multiple missionary trips leading many people to Jesus. He challenged the churches, established order when necessary and revolutionized missions. The Apostle Paul is someone we should model our missions after. He had a desire to please God and did whatever it took to lead the churches in the way of truth. Paul truly lived a life that daily was â€Å"back to Acts†. And He was a real man because he preached Christ and Him crucified. May we all be as dedicated to the cause of Christ as we saw in this paper that The Apostle Paul was to Jesus Christ his Lord and Saviour.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Testing Organizational Communication Satisfaction
Testing Organizational Communication Satisfaction ABSTRACT Communication Satisfaction plays a very critical role in achieving employee engagement in organizations. It becomes even more significant and relevant in the context of the recent global crisis wherein organizations focus on employee engagement was high and was aimed towards employee retention and motivation. While several researchers have studied the relationship between communication and employee involvement, very few studies have established a relationship between Communication Satisfaction and Employee Engagement. Using the second-generation analytical technique Structural Equation Modeling, the present study examines the relationship between various components of Organization Communication Satisfaction (Organization Integration, Supervisory Communication, Personal Feedback, Communication Climate and Media Quality) and various components of Employee Engagement (Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Withdrawal Cognition). A modified version of the Downs Hazens Communica tion Satisfaction Questionnaire was administered on 235 personnel in the Information Technology/Information Technology Enabled Services industry in India. The scale was tested for reliability and validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results indicate that Organization Communication Satisfaction has a positive impact on Employee Engagement. The study findings have strategic implications for organizations with regard to laying a greater emphasis on increasing communication satisfaction through various human resource interventions, both at macro and micro levels in the organization. Introduction Employee engagement has been drawing a lot of importance in various organizations in recent times. A global workforce study conducted by Towers Perrin in 2007-2008 revealed that only 21% of the employees were engaged. A more disturbing finding of the study was that 38% of the employees were partly to fully disengaged. The study also concluded that companies with the higher levels of employee engagement are able to retain their valued employees as also achieve better financial results. Similarly, Gallup has also conducted a study on employee engagement and found that 29% of employees are actively engaged in their jobs, 54% are not engaged, and 17% are actively disengaged. Many researchers have studied employee engagement and have found that employee engagement predicts employee outcomes, organizational success and financial performance (Bates, 2004; Harter et al., 2002,). Similarly, Hewitt Associates (LLC, 2005, p.1) have also established a strong relationship between employee engagem ent and profitability through higher productivity, sales, customer satisfaction and employee retention. Unfortunately though, a lot of literature available is only those from Consulting firms and there is very little theoretical or empirical research available on employee engagement. Today, as a result of continuous organizational restructuring (mergers, acquisitions, downturn imperatives), it is commonly observed that organizations are resorting to right sizing strategies. It certainly becomes the most critical priority of CEOs around the world to ensure that the employees who survive the layoffs are fully engaged. Research indicates that there is a decline in engagement levels and that there is deepening disengagement among employees today (Saks, 2006; Richman, 2006; Bates, 2004). It has also been reported that the majority of workers today, roughly half of all Americans in the workforce are not fully engaged or they are dis engaged leading to what has been referred to as an â€Å"engagement gap†that is costing US business $300 billion a year in lost productivity (Saks, 2006, Bates 2004, Johnson, 2004 Kowalski, 2003). Further, with the world becoming a global market place, where every thing is becoming a commodity, people and management of peoples talen t are becoming very critical components of an organizations ability to service its customer. Managing dis-engaged employees or non-engaged employees in a customer facing role is therefore that much more critical to the success and profitability of the business. Lockwood explains, â€Å"As organizations move forward into a boundaryless environment, the ability to attract, engage, develop and retain talent will hence, become increasingly important†In addition to the various literatures available from consultants, there have been a few researches conducted on the antecedents and consequences of employee engagement and also â€Å"What is employee engagement†. A very exhaustive analysis of employee engagement has bee done by Macey and Schneider (2008). In the study employee engagement has been explained as 3 facests viz., Psychological state engagement (Satisfaction, involvement, commitment, empowerment), Trait engagement (personality, conscientiousness) and Behavioural engagement (Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Personal initiative, role expansion). Another research indicates that employee engagement constitutes two aspects viz., job engagement and organization engagement (Saks, 2006). Saks (2006 further found that employee engagement was significantly positively related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour and negatively related to intention to quit. Organizational Communication plays a very critical part in ensuring employee engagement. It has been established that clear, consise and honest communication is an important tool for employee engagement (Lockwood). It is further established that lack of communication or poorly communicated information can lead to distrust, dissatisfaction, skepticism and unwanted employee turnover. Studies demonstrate that there is a significant influence of Interpersonal trust on individual, group and organizational achievements (Earley, 1986; Robinson, 1996), Job Satisfaction (Driscoll, 1978; Muchinsky, 1977), Job Involvement (Saks, 2006) and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Konovsky Pugh, 1994; McAllister, 1995). Studies have also underlined the central role of communication in developing and maintaining Trust (Gail, Zolin, Hartman, 2009; Becerra Gupta, 2003; Muchinsky, 1977). With particular reerence to recession, downsizing has become a harsh reality over the past 2 decades. These downsizing strategies come with other negative consequences of â€Å"attrition of employees who are not impacted by downsizing†. The problem is more profound when the attriting employees are top performers or employees with skills critical to future growth plans of the organization. Various studies have proved that downsizing negatively affects attitudes of employees surviving the downsizing by reducing organizational commitment, morale, job satisfaction and also increasing intention to quit and job stress (Arnold and Feldman, 1982; Greenhalge, 1982; Kozlowski et. al, 1993). It is therefore, very important for organizations to find ways to retain the attriting employees afer downsizing. Managerial communication and Organizational support can be looked at as possible avenues to reduce the negative effects of downsizing. Communication becomes very critical because employees believe that their organization holds them in low regard and ignores their interest (Anderson, 1996; Mclean Parks and Kidder, 1994). They also suspect that management communication is not credible for tat information is being withheld (Noer 1993, ONeill and Lenn, 1995). Employees need to understand how they fit into the overall plans of the organization in terms of their roles and contribution to the growth plans of the organizations. Various surveys in this regard indicate that employees want more communication with their managers (Argenti, 1998). There are various studies that have established a positive relationship between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction (Petit, Gori s and Vaught, 1997; Pincus 1996) and organization commitment (Varona, 1996). A communication ROI study by Watson Wyatt (2007-2008) revealed that â€Å"firms that communicate effectively are 4 times as likely to report high levels of employee engagement as firms that communicate less effectively. This study therefore, attempts to establish the impact of Organizational communication on mediating role of Trust in the relationship between Organizational Communication Satisfaction on Employee Engagement in the Information Technology / Information Technology Enabled Services (IT/ITES) industry in India. We have selected the IT/ITES) industry because of the significance of the impact during the recent recessionary period. Literature Review and Research Hypothesis Organizational Communication Organisation communication constitutes many dimensions spanning from formal and informal means of internal communication and external communications. A review of literature in this area reveals that Organizational communication can be classified into four different levels (SHRM Magazine) (i) Overall Organizational communication (ii) Inter-organizational communication (iii) Group-level communication (iv) Interpersonal communication Further, review of the research in this area underlines the importance of organizational communication towards building commitment, satisfaction and retention of employees in an organization. A number of studies (Burhans 1971, Downs 1971, Jain 1970) studied the relevance and importance of satisfaction with organizational communication. Such examinations of the communication-satisfaction relationship have produced, a construct called communication satisfaction, which is becoming a common reference in organizational literature (Downs and Hazen, 1977). Downs and Hazen, introduced the Communications Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) and conducted a factor analytic study of communication satisfaction. This study established eight stable definitions of communication satisfaction, which has also been enumerated as follows in another study by Clampitt Downs, 1993: Communication Climate reflects communication on both the organizational and personal level. On one hand, it includes items such as the extent to which communication in the organization motivates and stimulates workers to meet organizational goals and the extent to which it makes them identify with the organization. On the other, it includes estimates of whether or not peoples attitudes toward communicating are healthy in the organization. Supervisory Communication includes both upward and downward aspects of communicating with superiors. Three of the principal items include the extent to which a superior is open to ideas, the extent to which the supervisor listens and pays attention, and the extent to which guidance is offered in solving job-related problems. Organizational Integration revolves around the degree to which individuals receive information about the immediate work environment. Items include the degree of satisfaction with information about departmental plans, the requirements of their jobs, and some personnel news. Media Quality deals with the extent to which meetings are well organized, written directives are short and clear, and the degree to which the amount of communication is about right. Co-worker Communication concerns the extent to which horizontal and informal communication is accurate and free flowing. This factor also includes satisfaction with the activeness of the grapevine. Corporate Information deals with broadest kind of information about the organization as a whole. It includes items on notification about changes, information about the organizations financial standing, and information about the overall policies and goals of the organization. Personal Feedback is concerned with the workers need to know how they are being judged and how their performance is being appraised. Subordinate Communication focuses on upward and downward communication with subordinates. Only workers in a supervisory capacity respond to these items, which include subordinate responsiveness to downward communication and the extent to which subordinates initiate upward communication. Crino White (1981) investigated Communication Satisfaction with 137 supervisors from textile mills. Similarly, Pincus (1986) used the CSQ in a study of nurses and their supervisors to investigate the relationship between communication and job satisfaction and job performance. These findings had resulted in the CSQ being the most widely used scale when measuring communication satisfaction. The notable aspect though is, that the studies by Downs Hazens (1977) and Crino White (1981) exploratory factor analysis rather than confirmator factor analysis for assessing the validity of the CSQ. Theerefore, the convergent and discriminant validity of the CSQ was under question. Further, until the introduction of CSQ, Communication was considered as an unidimensional construct. The underlying belief was that employees are either satisfied or dis-satisfied with communication. However, with the introduction of the CSQ changed it communication satisfaction to be viewed as a multi-dimensional construct wherein, employees could be satisfied or dis-sastisfied with one or more aspects of communication and be dis-satisfied. Gary and Laidlaw (2004) assessed the CSQ using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Their study used a series of congeneric measurement models to study the validity and reliability of the CSQ. Based on the study, Gary Laidlaw concluded, â€Å"the results substantiate CSQ as a valid instrument for measuring communication satisfaction and supports the multi-dimensional aspects of the communication satisfacation construct. This study therefore, proposes to establish the convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the CSQ for the purpose of IT/ITES sector in India. The study also proposes to establish the relationships between the individual dimensions of Organizational Communication Satisfaction using First order and Second order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. H1 : Dimensions of Organisation Communication Satisfaction are inter-related H2 : Organisational Communication Satisfaction is explained by Organisational Integration, Supervisory communication, Personal Feedback, Corporate Information, Communication Climate and Media Quality. Employee Engagement Employee engagement has been drawing a lot of importance in various organizations in recent times. There have been few research works on employee engagement (Robinson et al, 200) and most of understanding comes from Consulting firms and Independent Research agencies. There have been various definitions of employee engagement. Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values (Vazirani, 2007). Engagement is the willingness and ability to contribute to company success, the extent to which employees put discretionary effort into their work, in the form of extra time, brainpower and energy (Towers Perrin, 2007). Often used as a synonym for motivation or motivation and retention; engagement is really more fundamental. Engagement is an employees decision to apply his discretionary effort to the goals of the enterprise, to accept those goals as his own and wholeheartedly commit himself to achieving them. (Fineman Carter 2007) Though employee engagement as a concept has been drawing a lot of importance, it is still a term widely referred among consulting firms and independent research agencies. There have been very few empirical research initiatives in the academic world to establish the definition of the construct â€Å"employee engagement†. Mickey and Schneider (2008) have done a detailed study on â€Å"the meaning of employee engagement†and have established a series of propositions covering 3 facets : a) Psychological stage engagement b) Behavioural engagement c) Trait engagement. This research though will focus on the psychological state engagement facet since this has received maximum attention and is central to the engagement issue. Further, the scope of the research is focussed towards examining the impact of Organizational Communication Satisfaction on Employee Engagement. Past researches on similar subjects have all focussed on studying the relationship between Organizational Communication Satisfaction on individual aspects of State Engagement viz., Satisfaction, Commitment and Involvement. Mickey and Schneider (2008), while explaining the psychological state engagement have studied 4 different aspects viz., Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Psychological empowerment and Job involvement. They have further referred to various related research in each of the above aspects and thereby analyse each of the aboe aspects as a facet or antecedent or consequence of employee engagement. Their study and analysis is as follows : Engagement as Job Satisfaction In defining Job Satisfaction as a facet of employee engagement, the views of Erickson (2005) are noteworthy; â€Å"Engagement is above or beyond simple satisfaction with the employment arrangement or basic loyalty to the employer. Engagement in contrast is about passion and commitment, the willingness to invest oneself and expand ones discretionary effort to help the employer succeed†Therefore, it is beyond basic loyalty and is about the emotional aspect of Job satisfaction that triggers emotions and feelings of energy, enthusiasm and thereby constitutes a very important aspect of Engagement. Engagement as Organization Commitment In defining Organizational commitment as an important facet of employee engagement, the views from various contributions are noteworthy (Wellins and Concelman, 2005; OReilly Chatman, 1986; Mowday, Porter Steers, 1982; Meyer and Allens, 1997; Meyer, Becker Vanderberghe, 2004). These significant contributions lead to definitions; employees exert extra energy in support of the organization, feel proud as a key contrinbutor to the organization and its success and enjoy a personal identity with the organization. This leads to organization commitment being defined as a key facet of engagement (Mickey Schneider, 2008). While analysing organization commitment, there is also an analysis around organization / job withdrawal thereby suggesting that commitment as a state of engagement also relates to how long an employee stays as a result of commitment (The Corporate Executive Board, 2006) Engagement as Job Involvement The next aspect analysed by Mickey and Schneider (2008) is Job Involvement. Job Involvement has been defined â€Å"as the degree to which an employee psychologically relates to his or her job and the work performed therein and specifically equated job involvement and job commitment (Cooper-Hakim and Visweswaran, 2005). Brown (1996), Mathieu and Zajacs (1990) have also come up the conclusion that job involvement is an antecedent to organizational commitment. Brown further concluded that organizational withdrawal decisions are less related to job involvement than to organizational commitment. Erickson (2005) described job involvement as a key antecedent of the state of engagement. Based on the analysis and significant well researched contributions, we identify Job Satisfaction, Organizational commitment and withdrawal as key facets of employee engagement. Further, Saks (2006) has conducted a good study on the antecedents and consequences of employee engagement. The research conceptualized engagement as being reflective of the extent to which an individual is psychologically present in a particular organizational role (Kahn, 1990; Rothbard, 2001). It was further conceptualized that there are two dominant roles attributable to most organizational members viz., their work role and their role as a member of the organization. These two roles led to the two components of employee engagement: Job and Organization engagement. Saks (2006) further found that that Job and Organization engagement were significantly positively related to Job satisfaction, organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and negatively related to intention to quit. In summary, employee engagement is about ones emotional commitment towards the organization, being psychologically involved and willingness ability to walk that extra mile in achieving the Organizational goals and objectives. Based on the above review, it is understood that employee engagement mainly constitutes three aspects viz., Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and intention to stay. This study aims at establishing a relationship between the facets / components of Employee Engagement using 2nd order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. This study further proposes to establish the convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the various facets of employee engagement using First and Second order Confirmatory Factor Analysis H3 : Dimensions of Employee Engagement are interrelated H4 : Employee engagement is explained by Organisational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Withdrawl Cognition Organization Communication Satisfaction and Employee Engagement The next dimension studied was the relationship between Organizational Communication and Employee Engagement in organizations. Employees see managers as trustworthy when their communication is accurate and forthcoming. In addition, adequate explanations and timely feedback on decisions lead to higher levels of trust (Folger Konovsky, 1989; Konovsky Cropanzano, 1991; Sapienza Korsgaard, 1996). Evidently, managers who take the time to explain their decisions thoroughly are likely to be perceived as trustworthy. Finally, open communication, in which managers exchange thoughts and ideas freely with employees, enhances perceptions of trust (Butler, 1991; Farris, Senner, Butterfield, 1973; Gabarro, 1978; Hart, Capps, Cangemi, Caillouet, 1986). Lockwood states that â€Å"lack of communication or poorly communicated information can lead to distrust, dissatisfaction, skepticism, cynicism and unwanted turnover. This is even more relevant in times of crisis as observed by Meyers in 1986 ; â€Å"When a crisis occurs, employees are affected on a personal level, in ways and to an extent unlike in any other audience. Their immediate reaction is often to be stunned and lose a sense of common purpose and cohesiveness Gripped by fear, employees may stray from their sense of reality and turn inward, focusing exclusively on their personal needs and ignoring the organizations needs†. Pincus Acharya, 1998 observed that â€Å"Employees who are uncertain about their jobs, health, or safety may deny, misinterpret, selectively perceive, or tune out information from management about the crisis situation because they may be blinded by their own sense of a personal crisis.†These studies lead us the understanding that â€Å"clear, consice, timely and honest communication is a very important management tool towards building employee engagement in Organizations (Lockwood). As discussed earlier, there have been many consultants and independent research organizations, which have established communication as a very critical component in enabling employee engagement in organizations. Further, there have been individual studies relating organizational communication and the individual facets and antecedents of employee engagement. This study proposes to study the relationship of Organization Communication Satisfaction on Employee Engagement using second-generation analysis tecnique, Structural Equation Modelling. H5 : Organisation Communication Satisfaction has a positive impact on Employee Engagement.. Research Methodology Questionnaire Design The Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (Downs and Hazens, 1977) was selected for the Organization Communication construct of the study. We have used on seven factors of the CSQ beause the eighth factor, subordinate communication since this study was not aimed at personnel in their role as employees and not supervisors. For the Employee Engagement construct, each of the individual facets was measured on borrowed scales. Job Satisfaction was measured on 5 items taken from the scale developed by Price and Muellar (1986). Organization Commitment was measured on 6 items taken from the scale developed by Meyer, Allen and Smith (1997) while Withdrawal Cognition was measured on 3-item scale developed by De Conninck and Bachmann (2005). Since we are using borrowed scales for each of the constructs, it is important to first establish the validity and reliability of the scale. In other words, the items must reflect what they are intended to measure (face validity) and represent a proper sample of the domain of each construct (content valididty), and pass other tests of validity (discriminant, convergent and predictive validity) in order for a measure to have construct validity (Hardesty and Bearden, 2003). As a first step, we carried out a face validity of the constructs of the study. Based on the approaches discussed by Hardesty and Bearden, we identified a panel of 7 judges to assess the face validity. The judges were exposed to the definition of each construct, overall scope and objective of the study and the individual items under each construct (Total number of items was 49). Each judge was requested to rate the importance and relevance of the item to the constructs conceptual definition on a scale of 1-10 (1-Lea st important to 10-Most Important). (eg. How would items like â€Å"I find real enjoyment in my job†or â€Å"I am seldom bored with my job†). Additional remarks were also sought from the judges on whether multiple items under a construct mean the same and also which among the items was a better representative of the constructs conceptual definition. These results were summarized by Judge for each item and the items which were given a weightage of â€Å"less than 8†were considered for reduction. During the content validity stage, the judges unanimously felt that co-worker communication, as a dimension was not too relevant from an engagement perspective since a lot of it was not largely under the control of the organization. However, one item in the co-worker communication was felt necessary to be included viz., â€Å"Extent to which communication practices are adaptable to emergencies†and hence, the same was retained and included in the dimension  "Communication climate†. Similarly, the item viz., â€Å"Information about changes in our organization†and â€Å"Information about company goals and policies†were the only 2 items left under the dimenstion â€Å"Corporate Information†. Since it is required to have atleast 3 items under each dimension / factor for Structured Equation Modelling, these 2 items were grouped under the dimension â€Å"Organizational Integration†. Therefore, in the final questionnaire (total number of items 29), Organizational Communication Satisfaction was reduced to 5 factors viz., Organizational Integration, Supervisory Communication, Personal Feedback, Communication Climate and Media Quality. The factors under Employee Engagement were all retained viz., Organization commitment, Job satisfaction and Withdrawl cognition. In addition to the 2 sections representing the main constructs of the study, the questionnaire also covered a brief write up covering the purpose of the study as well as explicit statements of assurance to the respondents about the confidentiality of their responses and that the responses would be used for academic purposes only. Data Collection and Sampling : For this study, primary data was collected through structured undisguised questionnaires adminstered to the respondents. Questionnaires were administered through personal contacts / meetings and through mail as per the convenience of the respondent at home or in office. The respondents were requested to spare few minutes to provide categorical responses to items in the questionnaire The respondents for the study were selected from the personnel of organizations in Information Technology (IT) / Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry in India. A total of 275 questionnaires were administered to the respondents. 264 questionnaires were found to be complete in all respects, giving a response rate of 96.%. A further 29 invalid questionnaires were eliminated (those questionnaires where too many items were left unanswered or the same response was given to all the questions) and thereby 235 valid questionnaires were taken for further analysis. Measurements The study hypothesis covers 2 Constructs Organization Communication Satisfaction (OCS) and Employee Engagement (EE). OCS is measured for 5 key dimensions / Factors viz., Organization Integration, Supervisory Communication, Personal Feedback, Communication Climate and Media Quality while EE is measured on 3 key dimensions / factors viz., Organization commitment, Job satisfaction and Withdrawal Cognition. The 8 categorical dimensions were measured on the following items / variables: Factor / Dimenstion Items / Variables of measurement Organization Communication Satisfaction (OCS) Organization Integration Information about the requirements of my job Information about my progress in my job Information about company policies and goals Information about changes in our organization Supervisory Communication Extent to which my supervisor listens and pays attention to me Extent to which my supervisor offers guidance for solving job related problems Extent to which my supervisor trusts me Extent to which my supervisor is open to ideas Personal Feedback Information about how I am being assessed Information about how my efforts are recognized and rewarded Extent to which superiors know and understand the problems faced by subordinates Communication Climate Extent to which the organizations communication motivates and stimulates an enthusiasm for meeting its goals Extent to which the organizations communication makes me identify with it or feel a vital part of it Extent to which communication practices are adaptable to emergencies Extent to which I receive in time the information need to do my job Media Quality Extent to which written directives and reports are clear and concise Extent to which the attitudes toward communication in the organization are basically healthy Extent to which the amount of communication in the organization is about right Employee Engagement Organization Commitment I really feel as if this organizations problems are my own I do not feel like part of the family at my organization (R) I do not feel emotionally attached to this organization (R) This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me I do not feel strong sense of belonging to my organization (R) Job Satisfaction I find real enjoyment in my job Most days I am enthusiastic about my job I feel fairly well satisfied with my job Withdrawal Cognition I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this Company Within the next six months, I would rate the likelihood of leaving my present job as high All the variables are categorical in nature and were measured on a categorical scale (5 point Likert). Data Analysis We have applied Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as the tool of analysis for maximum likelihood estimation for examining the proposed hypotheses. As suggested by many researchers (e.g. Anderson Gerbing, 1998), we have chosen the Two-step analysis method wherein in the first step, we conduct the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) based on the correlation coefficient matrix of each measurement item (i.e. dimenstions / factors of OCS and dimensions / factors of EE). In the second step, after confirming the fitness of the cons
Friday, September 20, 2019
Careful, He Might Hear You :: essays research papers
Careful He Might Hear You, by Sumner Locke Elliot, is a complicated novel, revolving around the story of a six year old boy named PS and his search for personal identity amidst the conflicts of his closest relatives. The narration of these conflicts, as well as the history behind their origins, forms the basis of the novel, and while the different types of relationships between the characters are not the main focus of the novel, the author links them with each of the characters’ sense of identity and their personal desires. Careful He Might Hear You is a book about people finding their true identities, and the truth or imbalance of the relationships that result from this. Through comparison and contrast, Sumner Locke Elliot highlights the flaws in each of the relationships presented, and the ramifications these have on the individuals involved; their present lives and their probable futures. The first significant relationship presented in the novel is that between PS and his Aunt Lila and Uncle George. PS sees himself solely as Lila and George’s child and this perception that he has on himself directly influences the nature of his relationship with them. Being a six year old child yet to develop his own personal sense of identity, PS trusts implicitly in Lila and George and believes, in his innocent naive way, that they will always do what is best for him. This is not so much carelessness on PS’s part, as an ignorance of any other type of upbringing and love than that administered to him by Lila and George. His unawareness of the outside world and any other style of life but his own causes the power of their relationship to be solely in the hands of Lila. PS’s innocence and trust in Lila becomes one of the major contributors to the clash which develops between Vanessa and Lila once Vanessa takes partial custody of PS. The nature of the relationship Vanessa demands from PS is so entirely different to that of Lila that PS finds himself torn between two women who, with their secrets, lies and constant quests for the upper hand, disrupt his own sense of personal well-being and security. This inner disquiet and uncertainty causes PS to change, and the nature of the relationships he hold with both his Aunts changes with this. These changes run parallel to PS’s emerging sense of identity, and the highlight, in the end, how important it is to be sure of who one is and what one wants in order for one’s relationship with other people to work.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Acid rain has a harmful impact on the environment which is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the United States and Canada. Acid rain is particularly damaging to lakes, streams, forests and the plants and animals that live in these ecosystems. Acid rain is referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition from the atmosphere containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. They are oxidized in the air until they are converted to sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids are then captured by raindrops which fall to the earth as acid precipitation. This process is called deposition. We know this as acid rain, but we can have acidic snow or hail and even acidic dust particles falling from the sky. It can occur in natural resources, such as volcanoes and decaying vegetation, and man-made sources, primarily of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides resulting from fossil fuel combustion. Acid rain comes in wet deposition or dry deposition. Wet deposition is any form of precipitation that removes acids from the atmosphere and deposits them on the Earth’s...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Generating Real-Time Visual Meaning for Live Indian Drumming :: Music Rhythm Drums Musical Essays
Generating Real-Time Visual Meaning for Live Indian Drumming Abstract: In this essay, a system developed to generate visual meaning for live performed music is described. Specifically, this system is calibrated to respond to North Indian classical and folk drumming tradition, using custom designed digital musical interfaces, such as the Electronic Tabla and Electronic Dholak. A drum, when struck, does not generate its sound as a record of the force applied, but as an artifact of a physical response to that strike within the artistically controlled conditions of its material state. With the design of the North Indian drum controllers, we developed a physical model for digital audio synthesis to recreate the aural qualities of the drums’ response under the control of the player. From there, we abstracted that concept to develop a dynamically responsive model for real-time rhythmic visual synthesis. In creating a visual experience for North Indian classical music, we sought to create a dynamic visual accompaniment with an appropriate ambience for the patterns and complexities of North Indian drumming. The design process was shaped by the need to react to a series of signals that would be received from the musician through the digitized musical interfaces, while giving a visual performer the ability to modify and shape those reactions over the course of the performance. In contrast to using a prerendered or abstract visualization, we aim to create an audiovisual composition which is both aesthetically compelling and responsive to the conditions of live performance, in addition to providing a meaningful visual context for what the performer is playing. In this essay, we will describe: - Veldt: a custom built application for visual expression of musical performance. - Digital Indian Drums: the Electronic Tabla and Electronic Dholak which digitize gestural information of a live performer. - Rhythmic visualization of our system used in live performances. Veldt Veldt is an application which was designed from the ground up for the purpose of visual expression and performance. It receives MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface) and OSC (Open SoundControl)[1] messages from digital musical interfaces and maps them to a system of reactive events in order to generate live visuals, which are rendered real-time using the OpenGL[2] graphics language. Mappings are flexible: sets of mappings may be arranged and modified during the design and rehearsal process, and triggered by control events during different movements of a performance, and arbitrary text, images, video, and geometric models may be used as source material.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Contrasts in the Great Gatsby
Tyler Simms Great Gatsby Essay Accelerated English 11 Mrs. Cameron F. Scott Fitzgerald constructed his novel, The Great Gatsby, by sculpting numerous situation and character contrasts together through out the novel to create and deliver a magnificent work of art. Although Fitzgerald contrasted numerous characters and situations through out the novel, there are three that are very pungent; the characters Tom Buchanan and George Wilson and Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. Not only were there Character contrasts, there were also situations that Fitzgerald contrasted against each other. One of them was the contrasting of the concept of the Old Money life style and the New Money life style. Tom and George not only have physical contrast, they also have contrasting lifestyles as well. Among other things, Daisy is very statuesque and â€Å"up-in-the-air†where as Myrtle s pragmatic and â€Å"down-to-earth. †Fitzgerald uses the concept of Old and New Money to contrast lifestyles and characters in the novel. Tom is Old Money, which means he inherited all of his riches from at least two generations into his family and does not flaunt his money. George, on the other hand, is very low class and has to work to provide for himself and his wife, Myrtle, who is committing an affair with Tom. Aside from the money aspect, Tom is â€Å"†¦ a sturdy, straw haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner†(Fitzgerald 11). It is also made clear by Fitzgerald that Tom beats his wife and Myrtle, giving him the element of being robust and controlling. George is a pushover from the time he is introduced until he makes a decision that ruins everything for some, and revised for others. Tom deceived George into believing that he is going to sell him a car, with no intention of doing so, but with every intension of seeing Myrtle. Not only is he a pushover, he is very gaunt with not even half the audacity of Tom. Tom's audacity and ill temper hurt the people around him, particularly Daisy and Myrtle. Their personalities are very much apart from each other. Myrtle is a very forward-looking person who knows {text:soft-page-break} what she wants in life, she is endowed with a strong character and vitality which distinguishes her from Daisy. Daisy's superficiality extends to her personality. She is fragile, unstable and a confused character. While talking to Nick she said: â€Å"†¦ I woke up with an abandoned felling and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. ‘Alright,' I said, ‘I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful fool†(Fitzgerald 21). They also married their husbands for different reasons. Myrtle says she married George because she thought he was a gentleman. She also thought he knew about good â€Å"breeding. †On the other hand, Daisy married Tom because rich girls had to marry into money and good social status. Marrying Tom, Daisy married into the Old Money life style. The people who live by the Old Money lifestyle inherited all of their riches from at least two generations back in the family. They also don't flaunt their money with buying and having extravagant cars, houses, parties etc. Fitzgerald differentiates Old Money and New Money by placing them on separate sides of Manhattan. Old Money on East Egg and New Money on West Egg. Tom and Daisy live on East Egg and prefer small get-togethers. Tom and Daisy had a party and the only people who were invited were Nick and Jordan. Whereas Gatsby, who lives in West Egg and is New Money, has very extravagant parties every weekend. By seven o'clock the orchestra has arrived-no thin five piece affair but a whole pit of oboes and trombones ad saxophones and violas and cornets and piccolos and low and high drums†(Fitzgerald 44). The contrast of the two lifestyles along with the characters brings the novel to a whole new level of interest. It also makes the story more interesting. Any novel that contrast any two or more subjects from with in itself, such as two or more characters or different life styles, is indeed a work of art. {text:soft-page-break} Works Cited Page Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc. , 1953.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Versus Smooth Talk
The saying goes the only difference between a tragedy and a comedy is the ending. Meaning no matter how tragic or comedic a story begins, the ending is what determines what type of story was told (thus what genre it falls in). This concept of endings is greatly exemplified through the comparison of the short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates and the film the story was based on called Smooth Talk. Both works contain an abundance of similarities but, due to slight yet critical changes made, the two stories become very different in their underlying themes/genre.The two stories differ in aspects such as (obviously) the title, character traits (i. e. June), certain plot details and most importantly the endings. They differ completely. The difference in endings change a horror story inspired by a real serial killer to a coming of age film for the American teenage girl. The short story Where Are You Going Where Have You Been like all short stories is short The short story is a total of twelve pages long and begins with roughly a two page description on Connie and her family.The short yet informational background helps the reader realize Connie is the typical fifteen year old girl whose main priorities are the same as most fifteen year old girls: need for attention, boys, and looks.. One day she doesn’t listen to her family and decides to stay home instead of bonding with her family at a relative’s barbeque.Connie’s fate begins its dark and bleak road when, like most horror stories, is home alone and a stranger comes to the house. The strangers name is Arnold Friend and his intentions though unclear at first, become more and more evident as the conversation between him and Connie unravels.Arnold talks in a tone that is both alluring and vicious, he tells Connie information about herself that just seems impossible for him to know giving him the characteristic of a hellish creature that sees all ( like the devil). Ar nold appears to have put Connie in a Dracula like dazed charm which makes her eventually get in his car where the story comes to an abrupt end. Though the ending is ambiguous, Connie is raped and killed by the monster Arnold Friend, or an old fiend (if one removes all the letter r’s in his name).Though the ending is vague, it is still haunting and horrific in the way that an evil creature posing as a teenager targets/abducts a young girl, violates her then kills her. This story is every parent’s nightmare and the scariest part about it is how achievable a heinous act like this is. The definition of horror is an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; the ending of Oates’ short story does just that. The ending is gloomy, sad, and horrific which makes this story a horror story.Like most horror stories a lesson is taught, if one lies to their parents and act naughty, they’ll will eventually meet th e devil. The Film Smooth Talk starring Laura Dern, revolves around the same characters from the story Joyce Carol Oates wrote about, but takes a different approach. Smooth Talk is a ninety minute film based on a twelve page short story so it’s a no brainer that scenes were prolonged and added. The scenes that were prolonged/added do not focus on Oates’ Arnold Friend, but rather takes a more in-depth look at Connie’s family life.In the short story we are told certain characteristics of Connie’s family but, nothing more than that; nothing to make the mother, father or her sister June significant characters in the story. The story by Oates breifly touches on the subject of Connie and her mother not getting along, while the film constantly revolves around this mother-daughter conflict. Smooth Talk chooses to focus and explore more on the dysfunction between Connie and her family (especially the one with her mother) rather than for example finding out more abo ut the character Arnold Friend.After about an hour and ten minutes watching Connie’s naive adolescent persona constantly creating turmoil in her house, are we then introduced to the film’s antagonist, Arnold Friend. The confrontation between Arnold and Connie go exactly as they do in the short story, with one big exception, the story doesn’t end once Connie gets in the car. In Smooth talk, much like the short story, Arnold does indeed rape Connie, however, afterwards he returns her home alive. Once returned home, Connie’s naà ¯ve self centered take on life seems to have been left in the field Arnold molested her at.Connie walks toward the house where she is lovingly greeted by her remorseful mother apologizing for slapping her in an earlier scene. She has experienced the horrors of the outside world and realizes the good life and safety her family provides for her. The last scene in Smooth talk ends with Connie sitting in her room, not looking outside bu t, looking in. Then her sister June walks in, and instead of the two butting heads like they did throughout the entire film, Connie embraces her and they start dancing.What this nding shows is that the Connie from Smooth Talk, is no longer wishing to ‘be old enough to drive so she can leave her home’. She experienced the ‘harsh cruel world’ that Eddie from the earlier diner scene was talking about.Most importantly is this ending is not sad or monotonic, it is happy and hopeful, the complete opposite of the story it is based on What Smooth talk ends up being isn’t a horror story like Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been but, a story of a typical all knowing teenager who learns the hard way just how important family after she gets in a situation she can’t smooth talk her way out of.Although Smooth Talk is based on Oates’ short story, by the end of each story and because of the end, what one has is two completely different stories. One story is for a parent to scare their daughter straight, the other is to remind them that in life no matter what, one will always have family.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Man is not truly two, but truly one Essay
Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde explores the duality of human nature. Jekyll believes he can extract his evil side as Hyde to destroy this part of himself; however, he realizes that he enjoys his secret life pursuing illicit pleasures. At first it appears that the primary struggle lies between the well-respected Dr. Jekyll and the evil Mr. Hyde, but what is actually more threatening is the fact that the binary does not hold. The evil cannot be isolated and contained, thus it is impossible to separate and kill off. Jekyll is not completely good and Hyde is not purely evil. Some evil must have existed in Dr. Jekyll in the beginning for him to transform into Mr. Hyde. Hyde is not completely evil because he is somewhat â€Å"natural and human†(Stevenson 58). By combining good and evil in both characters, Stevenson reveals the complexities of human nature rather than the strict â€Å"divided self†that Jekyll believes he is creati ng. The flaw that leads to Jekyll’s downfall is his thinking in binary terms when he says, â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two†(55). On the simplest level, Jekyll is a respectable scientist, but upon closer analysis Jekyll is not purely good evinced by the many temptations to which he succumbs. As a scientist, he â€Å"gave into the temptation of discovery†to create a drug that would painfully transform him into the evil Hyde (57). Jekyll’s curiosity gives him the power to play God, which might be considered unethical by many. The fact that Jekyll believes this breakthrough to be a â€Å"temptation†also demonstrates his recognition of the potential disaster that could ensue due to his self-experimentation with drugs. In order for Dr. Jekyll to transform into Mr. Hyde, some evil must have originated in Jekyll. Jekyll supports this idea in his confession when he calls himself and â€Å"incongruous compound†of good and evil (59). In chemistry, a compound is a homogenous mixture that cannot be separated. The fact that he is an â€Å"incongruous compound†indicates that both good and evil can come out of Jekyll in an unpredictable manner, but they can never be truly separated. Stevenson describes Jekyll as â€Å"composite†¦now with greedy gusto, projected and shared in the pleasures and adventures of Hyde†(63). Jekyll knows that Hyde’s adventures are dangerous to the community, yet Jekyll still selfishly allows himself to enjoy the disguise of Hyde. The fact that Jekyll is not perfect, but really a mixture of good and evil, questions the possibility of separating these two poles. Jekyll calls Hyde purely evil, but there is evidence suggesting that Jekyll’s theory is flawed and that Hyde is actually a mixture of good and evil. When Jekyll characterizes Hyde as wholly evil Jekyll prefaces his statement by stating that it is based on his personal â€Å"theory alone†(58). This indicates that Jekyll could be speculating about the results of his experiment. There is no way to prove this theory because Hyde is inherently part of Jekyll and the research cannot be repeated. This gives reason to believe his confessions are potentially biased. The character portrayal of Hyde as a â€Å"small†man with a â€Å"murderous mixture of timidity and boldness†points to the complexities of human nature in Hyde (16). Jekyll and Hyde are one and the same because they have â€Å"memory in common†and can be transformed between the two forms, but they are not proportionally represented (63). Hyde’s small stature reinforces the idea that Mr. Hyde is part of Dr. Jekyll since a part must always be smaller than the whole. If he is a part of Jekyll, then he is at least partly human including good and evil, thus not strictly evil. Hyde’s â€Å"murderous mixture of timidity and boldness†provides more insight into his character. He is criminal, but a â€Å"mixture†and not a pure compound of evil as Jekyll asserts. One who is timid and bold is unpredictable: at one moment they may hide their evil plots, whereas at other times they act on their devastating impulses. Humans are multifaceted because their actions are not always rational or foreseeable. Jekyll’s unreliable science and Hyde’s â€Å"murderous mixture†cast doubt on the claim that Hyde is completely devilish. Just as Hyde and Jekyll both contain good and evil within, their shared home represents two sides of one character. Dr. Jekyll enters the front of the house with a great faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade and elegant interior, whereas Mr. Hyde enters through the back laboratory door with a dilapidated structure. Hyde’s door â€Å"was well equipped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained†(6). The doors strike an incongruous note and contrast with the rest of the houses on this pleasant and wealthy street. The back door lacks a bell and knocker which is unwelcoming to visitors. Stevenson personifies the door as â€Å"blistered†indicating an element of pain that occurs due to the transformation that occurs within this lab. Ironically, when Utterson and the detective go inside Hyde’s house, they find it â€Å"furnished with luxury and good taste†(26). This suggests that Hyde is civilized and refined underneath his devilish exterior. Underneath the exterior is the scientist, Jekyll who works and lives in this house. Hyde dwells and hides in this home after going out on sinister adventures. This structure reveals the complicated interactions between moral and sinful nature within humans. The house with distinct doors represents Jekyll and Hyde residing within a single individual. The Carew murder reveals another aspect to Mr. Hyde’s nature as animalistic and impulsive, but still human. A maid witnesses this tragedy by the light of â€Å"the full moon†(21). The full moon serves two functions: a practical source of lighting and to set the ominous mood indicating the time when evil lurks. This is a superstitious setting when humans transform into werewolves in horror and fantasy tales. Mr. Hyde tramples the innocent old man until he was destroyed and â€Å"the bones were audibly shattered†(22). The graphic image makes Hyde seem like a madman-uncontrolled, irrational, and violent; however, this crime is without motivation. Hyde simply acts on an impulsive â€Å"ape-like fury†leading him to completely destroy his victim (22). Most animals would not destroy their prey to a pulp as Hyde does indicating that he possesses irrationality of a human. Jekyll even describes Hyde as â€Å"natural and human†(58). This signifies the complexities of a man containing both animalistic impulses and irrational human desires. The name Stevenson bestows on Hyde connotes an animal hide, indicative of his skin in this transgression. He appears animal-like externally but really derives pleasure out of this evil act. At the same time, Hyde knows that what he has done is wrong and it is in his nature to hide from the gallows by becoming Jekyll. Hyde’s nature is not as clear cut as Jekyll would like to believe. After the Carew murder, Dr. Jekyll emerges as a man bound by his rational conscience to repress the evil Hyde. He appears â€Å"deadly sick†which is symbolic of his ill conscience (26). Jekyll knows that a part of him committed a heinous act and he is partly responsible because he acted on his curiosity to experiment scientifically and create Hyde. His weak body also reflects his weakness in controlling Hyde. Jekyll attempts to resume his prior life for two months by hiding Hyde, but he subconsciously does not want to rid himself of Hyde. Jekyll never gives up Hyde’s rented house in Soho nor destroys his clothes. Jekyll subconsciously enjoys Hyde’s freedom from â€Å"the aspirations and remorse of his more upright twin†(56). The fact that Jekyll refuses to sacrifice his liberated, impulsive self leads to Hyde ultimately reappearing without the potion. Jekyll loses the power to control himself when Hyde comes and goes because he refuses to consciously accept him. Both natures are trapped-Hyde cannot reveal his face because he is a wanted murderer and Jekyll loathes Hyde because he knows he cannot control Hyde. Since only one character can exist at a particular time, they are never completely separated. The fact that Hyde takes over Jekyll’s body right after Jekyll drinks the vial of poison shows that the conflict persists until the last minute of this character’s life. The Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde illustrates the existence of multiplicities found in every individual and the need to recognize but minimize the grasp of evil. Seemingly opposing qualities such as good versus evil, civilized versus primitive, and repression versus liberation can all be found competing within a single character. Even though Jekyll calls Hyde â€Å"pure evil,†there is evidence contradicting this belief; Jekyll is not strictly good and Hyde is not wholly evil. Jekyll’s belief in humans as two separate beings that can be divided lead to his death. They cannot concurrently exist because they are ultimately one individual. Jekyll’s dualistic thinking that leads to splitting his personality is problematic because all humans, including Hyde, are composed of multiple qualities. It is impossible to obtain a pure compound by human means such as through science due to the competing forces within every person. Jekyll’s lack of acceptance of his complex nature and attempt to split his identity ultimately led to his death because man is not two, but truly one. Works Cited Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. England: Penguin Books, 2002.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Problems In Policy Implementation Policy And Education Education Essay
In a turning economic system like UAE, there is a critical demand for legion Numberss of policies to modulate this growing and header with it. The direct consequence of this growing is increase in the figure of exiles compared to subjects ; those exiles are from diverse cultural backgrounds that have their impact on the educational system in UAE and the addition in demand for new educational policies to cover the job of cultural diversenesss in schools. Education policy refers to the aggregation of Torahs, regulations, and ordinances that run the operation of instruction systems. Education occurs in many signifiers for many intents through many establishments ( early childhood instruction, kindergarten through to 12th class, two and four twelvemonth colleges or universities, alumnus and professional instruction, grownup instruction and occupation preparation ) . Education policy can straight impact the instruction people engage in at all ages, it includes school size, category size, school pick, school denationalization, tracking, teacher instruction and enfranchisement, teacher wage, learning methods, curricular content, diverseness in category, graduation demands, school substructure investing, values that schools are expected to continue and pattern, globalisation challenges. The ends of new educational policies are to supply all kids with an equal educational chance under the increasing force per unit area of diversenesss within schoolrooms. The ideal policy in general must include the â€Å" duty are required alterations in our methods of thought and nearing instruction in such a manner that all people are respected. More intercultural apprehension and an consciousness of societal and planetary cognition will necessitate to be actively incorporated into our educational course of studies. Not merely is cognition of other civilizations required but besides originative and critical thought will be developed to make new policies affecting equalities in multicultural instruction †( Bennett, 2010 ) . In UAE, we ca n't state that there is one individual policy to cover with the job of increasing in diversenesss at schools in UAE, and each school has its ain policy to cover with this job.The demand for policyTharp ( 1994 ) states that â€Å" The increa sing diverseness of cultural and cultural groups in schools has led to a parallel addition in concern for the deductions of this demographic displacement for instruction †.Most of the schools in UAE are concentrating on civilization in their policies ; they are discoursing how to make suited educational civilization in the schoolrooms and friendly atmosphere outside the schoolrooms to increase degrees of interactions between the pupils. Cultural diverseness is considered a major concern for many schools and it differs from school to another based on the types of pupils they have, and from what cultural backgrounds they come. Cultural diverseness and Multicultural instruction is an thought, an attack to school reform, and a motion for equity between pupils, societal justness, and diverse cultural acknowledgment that is needed in order to accommodate with the globalisation motion. Specialists within diverse cultural instruction stress different constituents and cultural groups. However, a important grade of consensus exists within the field sing its major rules, constructs, and ends. A major end of multicultural instruction is to reconstitute schools so that all pupils get the cognition, attitudes, and accomplishments needed to map in an ethnically and racially diverse state and universe ( Multicultural Education, 2010 ) . Good and idealistic policy will increase the focal point on cultural diverseness will assist schools in keeping educational equity for members of diverse racial, cultural, cultural, and socioeconomic groups, and to ease their engagement as critical and brooding citizens in an inclusive national civic civilization, but is there an being of such policies at schools in UAE? The consciousness of cultural diverseness construct in instruction attempts to supply pupils with educational experiences that enable them to keep committednesss to their community civilizations every bit good as get the cognition, accomplishments, and cultural capital needed to map in the national civic civilization and community.Policies at private schools in DubaiThere are many policies related to cultural diversenesss at private schools in Dubai, but the focal point will be on the policy at DIS that is covering with the issue of cultural diverseness in and outside the schoolrooms. â€Å" Social development culminates in its enlargement to a planetary magnitude, where pupils place themselves and their civilization in an international position, understands and accepts cultural particulars and differences, and presume the person and national duties towards international cooperation †( DIS, 2010 ) . This citation is an illustration of how private schools in Dubai are mentioning to cultural consciousness in their policies, but inquiries on the factors interfering in policy formation, like regulations and believes of the environing environment, execution and the relevant instruments lift instantly into treatment. This citation is the policy of how to cover with cultural diverseness at DIS, but it is considered short to show everything related to its values, excessively general, it lacks of execution techniques, and it is considered inexplicit. Who put the policy and who will implement it, are considered major issue for the success of the policy ; I will stand for a sample of Institutional position on educational policy and pattern ( figure 1, Scott and Meyer 1994 ) , and what are the major parties involved is any policy from scenes, execution, monitoring and responsible for giving feedback. Institutional theory offers a more nuanced lens for analyzing the organisational and institutional conditions that mediate these reforms, and how they do or make non do their ways into schoolrooms. Namely, as represented in Figure 1, institutional theory draws attending to the broader cultural forces that help specify the major parties involved in every policy ( Patricia Burch, 2007 ) . The major concern here is that the schools whi ch refer to cultural diverseness and consciousness in their policies are non cognizant of it, and if they are cognizant ; there is no clear methods of executions and measuring. Each policy is affected by the milieus ( stakeholders ) , that may interfere straight or indirectly in puting the policy, schools in Dubai are confronting a job of cultural diverseness, but what are the solutions of traveling over this job. Mentioning it in the policy is a portion and resolution is another portion ( words vs. action ) , and it is allowed for individual school to take it ain action in work outing the job without governmental intervention. The policy is set by people in charge who may interact by either affecting others in implementing it, or force others to implement it. Those people in charge are responsible for any alteration in the policy. Figure 1How does the Policy position Culture?â€Å" You can experience it within proceedingss of come ining a school: the behaviour of the pupils, the attitude of the instructors, the attention for the physical works, the artefacts of find, acquisition, wonder, community, look and thinking that adorn the walls of the topographic point, it is obvious that this is a topographic point where immature people and instructors learn †( Bill Schubart 2010 ) . Good policy must include the features of good and learning civilization that is cognizant to pupils from diverse civilization and give them equal opportunities of acquisition, and increase their sense of consciousness towards each others. â€Å" Good educational and learning civilization is non driven by high belongings revenue enhancements, intensifying school budgets, federal or province statute law, national testing, good edifices, nice categories or instructors ‘ brotherhoods. It is a sculptural behaviour set by leadin g in the school, followed by a critical mass of the instruction organic structure, all of whom are accountable for the civilization and spread it by their ain illustration and experience, their committedness to a community of acquisition, taking cultural diversenesss and barriers between pupils, their regard for one another and for their pupils †( Schubart, 2008 ) .What is the instructor ‘s function in implementing and following the policy?The diverseness in classrooms nowadayss alone chances and important challenges for learning. Students in UAE schools are with a broad assortment of accomplishments, abilities, and involvements and with changing potencies in assorted countries. The wider the fluctuation of the pupil population in each schoolroom, the more complex the instructor ‘s function becomes in, instruction, forming, actuating and commanding pupils to guarantee that each pupil has entree to high-quality acquisition. The ultimate end of any instructor is to happen suited attack to every pupil in the schoolroom, and seek to actuate him in a manner to acquire the best from him. To make that end, instructors need aid, preparation and good designed course of study that must suit the demands of all pupils. Many schools have prepared their instructors to cover with diverseness instances in their schoolrooms and leave it for the instructor to measure the state of affairs and happen the suited solution to extinguish those diversenesss in order to acquire the best from pupils, and increase their sense of belonging. The policy at DIS does n't advert any point related to the instructor function in the execution of the policy, how it will be applied, what other parties to be involved ( supervisors and parents ) , and the alterations in course of studies to ease the execution procedure. This inexplicit policy is considered excessively short to discourse every individual facet related to the job and set force per unit area on instructors to calculat e out personal solutions to cover with diversenesss in their schoolrooms. Those solutions are non standard ; they vary from instructor to teacher and from category to category. Good policy does n't give border for such fluctuations ; it must hold clear values, good articulated, the action required from this policy must be stated, and the methods of execution must has to included in the policy.Where are the mistakes of execution? ( Implementation Gap )The policies in general are clear, written in a good professional linguistic communication, and they are considered portion of school ‘s mission. The jobs are non in the policy or its values merely, but in the execution of those policies, and the deficiency of communicating between assorted parts responsible for using the policy. There could be implementation spread as a consequence of many factors, which could originate from the policy itself, the policy shaper, or the environment in which the policy has been made. Implementation spread can originate from the policy itself when such a policy emanates from authorities instead than from the mark groups. â€Å" By this, it means that be aftering is top-down. And, by deduction, the mark donees are non allowed to lend to the preparation of the policies that affect their lives, the mark groups could be the instructors, pupils, and households †( Makinde, 2005 ) . Another cause of execution spread is the failure of the policy shapers to take into consideration the societal, political, economic and administrative variables when analysing for policy preparation, as I referred in the beginning of this paper there is spread between private and public schools constabularies refering cultural policies, public schools that are merely attained by subjects with incorporate course of study all over the state, put less force per unit areas on those schools to recognize cultural diversenesss between their pupils.DecisionSchools in UAE are considered runing pot of pupil s from diverse cultural backgrounds that need a suited constabularies to accomplish equal educational chances that will assist them to recognize other civilizations, and increase pupils ‘ openness to diverse civilizations. Polices entirely without the suited instruments of execution is considered useless, good execution is considered cardinal success for any policy that put policy in action. Considering targeted group in puting the policy and affecting them will increase its credibleness and do the nidation easier to a certain extent. The policies must be clear, written in a good professional linguistic communication, and they are considered portion of school ‘s mission. The jobs are non in the policy or its values merely, but in the preparation and execution of those policies, and the deficiency of communicating between assorted parts responsible for implementing the policy.
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