Friday, May 31, 2019
Medicine During the Civil War Essay -- essays research papers fc
Medicine During the Civil War 1861-1865When Walt Whitman wrote that he believed the real war would never get into the books, this is the face he was talking about (Belferman 1996). Yet, it is important that we remember and recall the medical side of the conflict too, as horrible and terrifying as it was (Adams 1952). Long forwards doctors and people knew anything about bacteria and what caused disease was the time of Civil War medicine. Doctors during the Civil War (always referred to as surgeons) were incredibly unprepared. Most surgeons had as little as two years of medical school because very few pursued further education. At that time, Harvard Medical School did not even own a single stethoscope or microscope until well after the war. Most Civil War surgeons had never treated a gun shot wound because they were accustomed to treating electric razor head colds and sore throats. Many had never performed surgery or even held a scalpel. Medical boards let extremely unqualified stud ents practice medicine due(p) to much needed help for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Some ten thousand surgeons served in the Union and about four thousand served in the southern Confederacy (Cunningham 1958). By far, the deadliest thing that faced the Civil War soldier was disease and infection. For every soldier who died in battle, two died of disease (Cunningham 1958). Among the long identify of terminal and fatal diseases that plagued the battlefield as well as the operating table and hospitals were dysentery (a severe form of diarrhea which was very common among the soldiers), measles, small pox, malaria, pneumonia, and large number itch which was caused by skin disease and insects. Malaria was usually brought on by camping in damp areas, where mosquitos were prone to. There were many factors that came into play which explained why disease spread so rapidly. Among the explanations were as follows inadequate physicals before entering the Army, the fact many troops came from rural areas, neglect of camp hygiene, insects and rodents in the area, painting to other infected individuals, lack of clothing and shoes, and poor conditions of food and water. Many unqualified recruits entered the Army and diseases cruelly weeded out those who should have been excluded by physical exams prior(prenominal) to recruiting (Shildt 1986). &... .... The many men and women, North and South, who served in the hospital and sanitary services during the war were proud of their achievements (Adams 1861-1865). The morbidity and mortality rates of both armies showed marked utility over those of other 19th century wars. The physicians and sanitarians held down the disease fatalities to levels that their generation considered more than reasonable. It was a gruesome business for doctors and patients alike yet without the doctors and nurses in grisly and gray, much of the young manhood of America at mid century might not have survived for the work of rebuilding. (Adams 18 61-1865) Works CitedAdams, George W. Doctors In Blue,Medical invoice of the Union Baton RougeUniversity of Louisiana Press, 1952Belferman, Mary On Surgerys Cutting Edge in the Civil War The Washington Post, June 13, 1996Cunningham, H.H. Doctors in Gray, Baton Rouge University of Louisiana Press, 1958Coco, Gregory A. A Strange and Blighted Land-Gettysburg, The Aftermath, 1995Schildt, John W. Hunter Homes McGuireDoctor in Gray, 1986Adams, George W. Fighting for Time The National Historical orderlinesss-The Image of War 1861-1865 Volume IV
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Depression And Self-Loathing Essays -- essays research papers
AbstractDepression strikes a large number of people roughly the world. It plunder be brought on by numerous things, such as childhood trauma, social issues, and drug use. The one thing that sets slump apart from many other mental afflictions is that e genuinelyone who has it may experience it for different reasons and are taking different steps to remedy it. Some seek psychoanalysis while some(a) rely on a pill to make them feel better. Others turn to self-medication, in the case of depression known as self-loathing, self-mutilation, and suicide. There are never-failing studies regarding depression being performed worldwide which be semen very specific in nature. An interesting aspect of depression that sets it apart from other psychological difficulties is that depression good deal be brought on a person by themselves. If people allow themselves to be victims of self-loathing, depression and its symptoms are sure to be close behind. A publications Review on Depression and Self-LoathingResearch over years past indicates that depression is a more common affliction amongst the American people than to the highest degree are led to believe. Depression is a multi-faceted adversity, as there are many things that are able to spawn it, and many things are able to come from it as well. Depression can be medically defined as a disease, and there are a number of treatments that medical professionals believe can remedy or abate the symptoms of it, although there have been numerous complaints about medical treatments designed to aid in a persons struggles with depression. charm self-loathing is a common precursor to depression, it rarely stops there. Next comes the full-fledged depression which in some cases is followed by self-mutilation or suicide attempts. Anti-depressant medication and psychoanalysis commonly follow. It has been found that there are some outside sources that may influence depression in a person that would not seem to have any link whatsoever to the condition. Regardless, depression is an affliction that has been around for ages, and unless revolutionary findings are made, it can be inferred that it will be an infirmity that will chevvy people for time to come as well.ProblemA major culprit behind the concept of self-loathing is todays media influence on the American populace. Todays information techno... ...d has high hopes for the future, they are not likely to sink into a depression deep enough to merit psychoanalysis or anti-depressant medication prescriptions. Past events are crucial in determining whether or not a person may be diagnosed with depression in the future, for it is very rare that a fortunate person who has not had to cope with loss will find themselves suffering from symptoms of depression. One can also not command to feel like they did before the affliction once they start taking medication to help. It is extremely rare that a person is one hundred share satisfied with how they feel during the co urses of medication to alleviate depression. It is also more likely a person will attempt suicide or self-mutilation if they are diagnosed with depression and are prescribed anti-depressants. This is one warning sign compiled with many others in what may cause youth to want to end their life. Depression is a rather simple infirmity when it is broken down. It is not always brought about by inborn psychological problems like other mental diseases are. As simple as it may be, it is a problem that plagues a very large number of people worldwide.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The New, Old Entertainment Essay -- Computers Technology Essays
The New, Old EntertainmentImagine a world where no one goes outside for a neighborhood soccer game, data processor games ar the closest thing to activity and the only social interaction comes in the form of online gaming. Now, think to your self is this actually a far fetched topic? The sad reality is that to thousands of what researchers from the Center for Disease overtop call tweens, this is their daily life go to school, do homework and jump on the computer or various other gaming systems. In modern America children seldom go outside to simply enjoy the pleasures of physical activities. The Center for Disease Control noticed this very problem and brought it to Congress in order to help get funding to prevent obesity which is becoming an epidemic. It is from this that the Verb campaign began in June of 2002. The Verb advertizing campaign draws children in by appealing to their senses of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos moreover, the advertisement successfully demonstrates to their li stening that physical are worthwhileFurthermore, since this advertisement campaign was brought about by means of Congress, it contains valid evidence and support for its arguments. The Center for Disease Control used many tests to see what youth are actually interested in. Knowing these children split than nearly any other researchers allowed them to pull on the heart strings of Americas youth, and encourage a change in activity levels. The audiences deep down these advertisements are youth somewhere in between the years of nine and thirteen. Yet, they are not the sole targets, so are there mothers encouraging them to prod their youth. The purpose as written within this article is to encourage youth to Just get out there. Anytime. Anywhere. Another... ...he emotional appeals making the intended audience desire to participate in any sort of activity. The credibility of this ad makes us know that the activities can not harm us. The logic reminds us how all-important(prenominal) it is to workout and be involved with the sports of any caliber. The pathos makes us feel the desire to participate to be out there and to be one of the thousands who are having fun. So now all everyone must do is to keep in mind that video games are fun but there is a bully big world out there and it wouldnt hurt anything to go and enjoy it. The commercials with children all playing inside should not be a reality, alternatively it should be the fantasy. Hopefully, the children of tomorrow will once again be seen playing soccer until their Mothers flash the front porch for them to come in, and the video games of immediately will be pushed to the backs of their closets.
Free Essays - Achilles Moral Dilemma in Homers Iliad :: Iliad essays
Achilles Moral Dilemma in Homers Iliad The question was Achilles anger justified brings up issues that seem to have little or no relevance to the war. In time of war I would expect the leaders to prioritize the groups interest for the sake of unity and cooperation rather than being entrenched in achieving their own private goals. But my expectations are those of a modern day literature student, Im inclined to think that the Greeks who first read this epic valued different things than myself. A nonher germane(predicate) question might be were Achilles actions justified. Anger can be easily justified, but the actions that anger might lead you to take are not as easily justified. Again I am not an ancient Greek and my opinions are irrelevant unless I open my mind to different viewpoints. whence I am striving to look into this issue through ancient Greek eyes where the principle of sacrificing ones own interests was apparently not valued, but maintaining ones honor, on the other hand, was greatly valued. In the following paragraphs I will attempt to answer these two aforementioned questions. The facts of this conflict are all pretty on-key forward and by recounting the facts I hope to bring to light the truths that justify Achilles anger. First off Agamemnon had distributed the booty fairly and all the more regnant Achaeans had gotten a concubine, Agamemnon just happened to choose the daughter of one of Apollos priest. When Apollo sends a pest to the Achaean camp Achilles concern for his comrades leads him to call an assembly with the purpose of interpreting the plague and taking necessary action. Agamemnon reluctantly agrees to return his concubine to her father if he is repaid another concubine by one of the other powerful Achaeans. At this Achilles stands up for himself and the other Achaeans, he insults Agamemnon by saying that Agamemnon claims his greatness. When Agamemnon takes Achilles concubine, Achilles probably expected the other Achaeans to stand up for him as he had done for them earlier. But he is odd alone. His honor insulted by a man that he had served loyally. Humiliated, by a group of people to whom he owed nothing. A great sense of betrayal overcame Achilles.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
La Virtud como Perfeccionamiento del Individuo Según John Stuart Mill :: Spanish Essays
ABSTRACT En esta comunicacin se presenta la concepcin utilitarista de la virtud en John Stuart Mill. El cultivo y la adquisicin des sinkesada de la virtud se integran en el proceso de autorrealizacin humana. La virtud es necesaria space-reflection symmetry la consecucin de la felicidad y para el inters general de la sociedad. Se analiza la virtud en Mill como un sentimiento moral que se trasmite por observacin. Se finaliza con unas conclusiones crticas sobre esta perspectiva utilitaria de la virtud.En la tradicin tica occidental, la virtud es considerada condicin indispensable del perfeccionamiento del ser humano. De ah que, en general, los planteamientos que tienen en cuenta la autorrealizacin o el cultivo del individuo, integren un tratamiento ms o menos amplio de la cuestin de la virtud. Ahora bien, el tema de la virtud puede ser enfocado desde diversas perspectivas que hagan prevalecer un aspecto u otro de la virtud. Estos enfoques dependern, en ltimo trmino, de cmo se haya conc ebido al ser humano.Pues bien, esta es la situacin de nuestro autor, J. Stuart Mill, que desarrolla el tema de la virtud en dependencia de su concepcin utilitarista de la moral, que, a su vez, es consecuencia de su pensamiento en torno al hombre.1. Contexto de la teora milliana de la virtudComo buen utilitarista, Mill no lleva a cabo una especulacin completa sobre la naturaleza de la virtud, su tipologa, articulacin interna... Tan slo est interesado por su funcin prctica, y ms en concreto por la necesidad que la virtud parece tener como medio para alcanzar la felicidad.El contexto de su tratamiento de la virtud est expuesto en su artculo Civilizacin, (1) de 1836, donde describe la moderna sociedad comercial, incipiente en aquella poca. Segn Mill, en la sociedad comercial, el hombre concentra genus Sus energas en conseguir dinero y bienes materiales. La valoracin de las personas descansa no sobre lo que es una persona, sino sobre lo que aparenta. Este aparentar viene determinado por el cmulo de bienes materiales a los que uno puede acceder mediante su dinero. Como consecuencia de este criterio de valoracin, cada sujeto singular se ve sometido a una despersonalizacin cae bajo parmetros puramente cuantitativos, est perdido en la muchedumbre annima, corre el peligro de perder hasta su propia identidad.Mill vea con desagrado que, en este tipo de sociedad materializada, lo que se busca es, ante todo, el xito. Una de sus formas ms conspicuas era, a juicio de Mill, poder de influir en la vida pblica, a travs del arte de la charlatanera, con el fin de conseguir una audiencia cada vez mayor, inundando, con este fin, el mercado de libros y artculos.
La Virtud como Perfeccionamiento del Individuo Según John Stuart Mill :: Spanish Essays
ABSTRACT En esta comunicacin se presenta la concepcin utilitarista de la virtud en John Stuart Mill. El cultivo y la adquisicin des swallowesada de la virtud se integran en el proceso de autorrealizacin humana. La virtud es necesaria mirror symmetry la consecucin de la felicidad y para el inters general de la sociedad. Se analiza la virtud en Mill como un sentimiento moral que se trasmite por observacin. Se finaliza con unas conclusiones crticas sobre esta perspectiva utilitaria de la virtud.En la tradicin tica occidental, la virtud es considerada condicin indispensable del perfeccionamiento del ser humano. De ah que, en general, los planteamientos que tienen en cuenta la autorrealizacin o el cultivo del individuo, integren un tratamiento ms o menos amplio de la cuestin de la virtud. Ahora bien, el tema de la virtud puede ser enfocado desde diversas perspectivas que hagan prevalecer un aspecto u otro de la virtud. Estos enfoques dependern, en ltimo trmino, de cmo se haya concebido a l ser humano.Pues bien, esta es la situacin de nuestro autor, J. Stuart Mill, que desarrolla el tema de la virtud en dependencia de su concepcin utilitarista de la moral, que, a su vez, es consecuencia de su pensamiento en torno al hombre.1. Contexto de la teora milliana de la virtudComo buen utilitarista, Mill no lleva a cabo una especulacin completa sobre la naturaleza de la virtud, su tipologa, articulacin interna... Tan slo est interesado por su funcin prctica, y ms en concreto por la necesidad que la virtud parece tener como medio para alcanzar la felicidad.El contexto de su tratamiento de la virtud est expuesto en su artculo Civilizacin, (1) de 1836, donde describe la moderna sociedad comercial, incipiente en aquella poca. Segn Mill, en la sociedad comercial, el hombre concentra genus Sus energas en conseguir dinero y bienes materiales. La valoracin de las personas descansa no sobre lo que es una persona, sino sobre lo que aparenta. Este aparentar viene determinado por el cmul o de bienes materiales a los que uno puede acceder mediante su dinero. Como consecuencia de este criterio de valoracin, cada sujeto singular se ve sometido a una despersonalizacin cae bajo parmetros puramente cuantitativos, est perdido en la muchedumbre annima, corre el peligro de perder hasta su propia identidad.Mill vea con desagrado que, en este tipo de sociedad materializada, lo que se busca es, ante todo, el xito. Una de sus formas ms conspicuas era, a juicio de Mill, poder de influir en la vida pblica, a travs del arte de la charlatanera, con el fin de conseguir una audiencia cada vez mayor, inundando, con este fin, el mercado de libros y artculos.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Story About My Mother
Vu Lan celebration is coming, on websites there be many written perishs about mother. They are simple but meaningful and reminded me of my mother. Accordingly, I want to share with everyone my story-a long one to tell When I was a child, I always imagined my mother as a serious and frightening woman. She was constantly forcing me to stay at home whereas my friend can freely go out and enjoy their childhood. Thats non fair There was a question that kept haunting my mind Is she exactly my mother? . I think that I found the answer aft(prenominal) that story.One time, being too passionate about games with my friends, I forgot to come back home, making my parents extremely worry and find me everywhere. Finding out me in the gee with my friends, she furiously shouted at me and hit me in front of all my friends including the boy that I liked. It is too ashamed I did not have dinner party and kept myself in my room on that day. During that night, instead of sleeping, I planned to reven ge my mother in the next days. In the following day,as usual she went to work and left me alone at home .However, this time I decided not to stay alone in that boring house. Fortunately, I came across a tiny hole in the window, which was small enough for my little friends to creep into. Being too happy, we play many games one by one. Suddenly, I had an slash while I was playing skipping with my mothers scraft, leading to my chins blooding. I was very afraid no matter how much my friends back up me. I cried so much my friends had to find the help of my neighbor. He immediately informed my mother. This time surely my mother will hit me seriously I thought that.Especially when I heard the sound of her motorbike, my heart beat faster to wait my mothers punishment. Nevertheless, everything was totally unexpected. Right after the door had been opened, the aspect I saw was not her furious eyes but her eyes with continuously dropping tears. My mother hurriedly ran to me and embraced me tightly. I could not forget those eye. I feel that my mother was also painful like me. That was the moment I realized her invaluable love for me. Until now I learned that mothers love is not just pampering but the strict as well and that mother is the one love us the most.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
How Stalin rose to the top of the USSR Essay
Following the death of Lenin on 22nd January 1924, Stalin, man of steel, rose to the top of the USSR through a combining of luck and by using his political skills. Therefore by Stalins fiftieth birthday he had now achieved for himself complete control over the USSR.Stalins rise to power can be put down to his ruthlessness he would non have gained power had it not been for his brutal nature, however there were many factors that contributed to Stalins success. Stalin had the characteristics of a dictator from childhood, in the sense that he was unable to cope with defeat or admit that he was falsely. This definitely assist him in his quest to become ruler of the USSR.Stalin first became noticed in 1905 after he first joined the communists and helped to raise funds by robbing banks and robbery trains. During the civil war Stalin stayed loyal and during this time he forcibly seized grain from farmers in the South in order to feed the workers in the North. As a reward for this Lenin then made him responsible for the Red Army in the south during the Civil War. This brought him into conflict with Trotsky. This meant that already Stalin had made a name for himself and had been prize by Lenin as close toone who was reliable and who had impressive dictatorship skills, this is why Lenin gave him a job as Commander in Chief during the civil war. afterward on in 1922 Stalin then achieved promotion to General Secretary, this was a fairly boring job, however it was still within the politburo and it keep Stalin busy e very(prenominal) day. As this was not really a position of authority using his manipulative skills Stalin makes the job have a greater political influence, which thus wins himself a nice level of authority. Stalin wanted to do all of the poor organisations jobs that everyone else thought were boring, this was the first manipulative move that Stalin took and by having small jobs and by making them sound founder Stalin was now becoming more noticed by the people and he was getting some respect, which he eventually used to help him rise to power.If Stalin was to be leader of the USSR then this meant that Lenin would have to be out the way. Lenin suffered several strokes in 1922 and 1923 that left him paralysed and eventually in 1924 he died. If Stalin was to become leader he had to strike his main opposition for power, which was Trotsky. The funeral of Lenin was organised by Stalin and he also lead the mourning. This was to create an image to the public that Stalin was close to the deceased however in hindsight we fuck that he only did this to boost his chance of becoming the next leader.Trotsky was nowhere to be seen at Lenins funeral and had nothing to do with the preparations and many people power saw this move by Trotsky as a sign of disrespect and the public now saw Stalin as the better of the two. However Stalin was thought to have told Trotsky the wrong date for the funeral and Trotsky said that he was away at his holiday h ome recovering from an illness. Whether this was true or not either way it was a rum move by Trotsky not to turn up, as that now put Stalin in the driving seat for the power of the USSR.Before Lenin died, he wrote a earn to the Party Congress that outlined his ideas for the future. In this letter he also gave his opinions on the members of the Politburo including Stalin and Trotsky, the two main contenders for the leaders of the USSR. After Lenin had died, the letter became know as Lenins Testament. Had it been made public at the time it had the potential to destroy Stalins claim to power as this document showed exactly what Lenin thought of Stalin. At the time Lenin obviously felt that Trotsky was the most suitable successor for the reign as in his testament Lenin described Trotsky as a man with superior ability and he also thought Trotsky was perhaps the most capable man in the Central Committee. Lenin saw Stalin as too unprocessed and he wanted Stalin to be removed from his p ost as General Secretary.Meanwhile Stalin must have been shaken when he heard around what Lenin had to say about him. What Lenin thought of these two candidates was crucial, as the public would not want an enemy of Lenins to be the next leader. This is why Stalin appeared to be very close to Lenin and stand by him. However in spite of these comments the Testament was not made public. The Leftists Zinoviev and Kanenev protested that it was out of date and so a visibly sick(p) Stalin was rescued and the truth did not reach the Soviet people. Because the public did not know what Lenin really thought of Stalin, they still saw Stalin as a commendable replacement to Lenin. What Zinoviev and Kanenev did was an important part of Stalins pursuit to get to power because had the testament been released, the public would have disliked Stalin as they worshiped Lenin.The two main contenders for the leadership of the USSR, Stalin and Trotsky were now involved in a feud with each other. This hel p Stalin claim power in the way that now the public were on his view and Trotsky now frightened many people in the USSR. Trotsky had the idea of dole outing socialism across the world he argued that the future security of the USSR lay in trying to spread permanent revolution across the world until the whole globe was Communist. Many people in the USSR believed that Trotsky would involve them in future wars and conflicts.Stalin emerged as Lenins successor because of his policies, these were met with greater approval than Trotskys ideas, as Stalin argued that in future, the Party should try to establish Socialism in One Country alternatively than Trotskys idea which was to try to spread revolution worldwide, this was very popular. Socialism in one country was the idea that communism shouldnt be spread across the world but that the politburo should concentrate on just having it in Russia. As the Soviet people were scared of years of war and revolution Stalin seemed to be the man who understood their feeling and did what the public wanted. In 1925, Trotsky gave up his only symbol of power when he resigned from his position as Commissar for War. He now had nothing and because the war was over, the future was looking bleaker for him. Stalin, because of this, was now the favourite to become the next controller of the USSR.With Trotsky now out of the way, Stalin was now on course to return the leadership of the USSR, he uses his relationship and his positions of authority with other members of the Politburo extremely well. Stalin successfully played both the leftists and the rightist in the Politburo he did this by using his friends who owed him favours. In 1927 Stalin first joined the rightists and attacked the left removing all the important members from the office, then a year later he joined the leftists and attacked the right, forcing out his opponents and bringing in some of his own allies who would support him. By doing this Stalin was now the most senior m ember of the Politburo. This was a huge step towards his aim and put him in end position to become the next dictator.In conclusion I believe that Stalin achieved total power over the USSR through a combination of political scheming, luck, the mistakes of his opponents and the tending(p) way in which he built up his power base. Each event that leads up to Stalins dictatorship was just as important as the next he got to power through a combination of all of these. If any of the steps to his reign had been missing, there is no doubt that he would not have been in control of the USSR and been able to cause the damage he did.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Diary of Wimpy Kid Evaluative Essay Essay
AbstractThe day curb of a Wimpy put unity across is a book about adolescence who arrive dealt with emotional struggles and kind acceptance in midway school. The book highlighted aras of struggle which included bullies, emotional responses in both positive and negative ways, knowledge, and family dynamics. The book was mean was readers of age seven and older besides could be usaged a argueion book with children and dealing with social issues. The book genre is comedy and brainpower and is full of illustration to help the reader say the concepts and lessons of the book. It is written in simple words and would be a good read for children and early adolescence.The book, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, written by Jeff Kinney discussed many literary elements while its ultimate theme was humor. The book included topics about knowledge, family, middle school, peer pressure, social acceptance and faux pas, and incorruptity issues. The book had been written in the genre of comedy and was intended for readers between the ages of seven and older. The book approached adolescence from a relatable standpoint with kids who act to gain a sense of value and self worth through social acceptance. The book was written very well and taught several valuable moral lessons that could be used for children to gain understanding about peer issues and consequence of actions.The book had several strong characters that influenced the master(prenominal) characters life. The first main character was Greg Heffley and the second was his best trembler Rowley. The flooring began with a diary that Greg had authorized from his Mother. Although he had been embarrassed by the gift, he decided to write agglomerate the stories of his daily life so that he could share it with people once he became rich and famous. Greg was portrayed as an extremely insecure kid who was awful to be recognized and gain familiarity. His insecurity manifested into his closest friendship and familys through arrogance,criticism, lying, jealousy and pride.An example of this was when Greg befriended Rowley. He reached out to him under the pretense that Rowley would be so blessed to be friends with him and befriended him out of a place of pity. Greg tr use uped Rowley as a lesser and often times would do things to put him down unsloped like his older brother would do to him. Rowley was completely the opposite. He happened to be very naive and childlike in many ways. He was a kid that was very secure in who he was and was not concerned with coupleting into anything. He was genuinely loving and humorous, and because of that it attracted friendships and sometimes the occasional uninvited ridicule.The boys lives intertwined and eventually their friendship was tested. Greg lied to Rowley which had been motivated by jealousy because Rowley had become popular while Greg continued to go unnoticed. The author included the real emotional highs and lows of adolescent friendship through the two mai n characters.The author wrote the book in a way that expressed the dynamics of friendship and social acceptance through comedy. Kinney made the characters very relatable and expressed the problems with adolescence move to make sense of their emotions and solving their own problems (Kinney, 2010). In the story, Greg wanted to become popular and was doing everything he could to make that happen. With many failed attempts, constant bullying, and social ridicule he eventually joined the safety team with Rowley. Once they were on the team unitedly they had been given the responsibility to to passport children home from school. The boys took ownership in there jobs except circumstances had interrupted Rowleys service to the team. Rowley was not able to walk the kids home that afternoon but lent his jacket to Greg and insisted that he do it.Later a kindergartener had been chased down while on Gregs shift, but because he had worn Rowleys jacket, it had been reported back to the school t hat Rowley was the problem. Later, Rowley received punishment and was no longer allowed to be a safety patrol kid. Greg was blind by jealousy and so desperate for acceptance he figured he would do the right thing by covering his mistake and allowing his friend to take the fall (Kinney, 2010). His need to be accepted resulted in him betraying Rowley to maintain his small portion of position in the social scene. Later heconfessed to Rowley that he had been the one to blame and did not apologize for what he had done but justified it. Greg felt entitled to his position and because they were friends he felt he could use Rowley and that would be accepted (Kinney, 2010).The safety story did an excellent job of portraying how emotions can rule a person in a negative manner. It in any case demonstrated the desire for social acceptance and how people are willing to sacrifice the most valuable relationships to to gain popularity. The particular story was written in a way that really gave an a ccurate portrayal on the depth of the heart of adolescence when they are not properly guided and taught by the parents to help them understand the emotional issues of the heart (Park, 2009). The author used the portion of the story to help the reader discern good friendships from bad friendships and what character attributes friends should look for in one another. Once Rowley was informed of the truth he discovered that Greg was not a good friend. He recognized that Greg was selfish, jealous, prideful, and a person that would betray him. The revelation resulted in Rowley walking away from their friendship.The unveiled truth about friendship left the reader to ponder the questions about their friendships and also the question of what kind of friend they are to other people. As the story continued the author showed the power of standing up for your friends and the power of forgiveness. The story picked up where Rowley and Greg were about to fight but were control by bullies that were going to force the boys to eat the slimed give up from the basketball court. To touch the cheese would be social suicide to any student, but to eat it meant far worse. The bullies forced Rowley to eat the cheese but were chased off from a teacher before Greg had too (Wimpy greg, 2004). Once the students on the campus saw the cheese they began to crowd around Rowley to judge him and make fun of him. At that moment, Greg stepped up and took the fall for Rowley by telling the classmates that he had been the one that had touched the cheese. The kids fled from Greg but his relationship with Rowley was restored.Once Greg was free from trying to fit in was when he became a real friendand a person of good character. The final portion of the story brought redemption to Gregs character and demonstrated to the reader that it is never to late to do the right thing. As a result of making the right choice, Rowley forgave Greg, and Greg received the lesson that one good friend is more important that crowds of superficial people (Family, 2010). The portion of the story left the reader with the moral lesson that it is better to be yourself than trying to fit into a crowd and be someone you are not.The book would be very appropriate for middle school kids because it discussed relatable issues and conflicts that could arise from trying to fit in or become popular. It gave several moral lessons to help the reader understand the dynamics to friendship and insecurities with school and growing up. The author did a not bad(p) job of keeping the reader engaged by the comical illustrations and dialogue that happened between characters. He also portrayed the reality of common struggles in middle school and how critical it was to be true to oneself. The author summarized the book by having the two main characters resolve their conflict and accept who they were.This book is a sinless example of societies condition. The story line may have been intended for middle school children, but society is the same way as adults. There is a need to be accepted, powerful, recognized, feeling entitled to things, people have used others as scapegoats, betrayal, jealousy, strife, revenge, and many other negative things. However, there was also the reality of forgiveness. steady today, when people forgive others, defend them, take accountability and ownership for mistakes, gain the wisdom that what they chase is not as important as money or fame, there is a place of resolution and resolve in peoples lives. While trying to chase after fame and sacrificing what is important there is a misery that follows, but the contentment comes after forgiveness and the understanding of what it important.I think this book is a good read for kids. There are character issues and sin issues that I did not like, but it is a book that kids could read and grasp the moral roots of it. I think it would be beneficial for a parent to discuss the moral failures of the main character and give insight into whatthey should do to handle situations with similar circumstances. With older children, this would be a great book to read as a family and have a book study that would help kids recognize their own areas of weaknesses and temptations. I think the author did an excellent job adapting himself into the adolescent mankind while bringing humor and practical ways to make right decisions.BibliographyKinney, J. (2010). Diary of a wimpy kid a novel in cartoon.Retrieved from http//, F. (2010). Focus on the family thriving family.Retrieved from http//, A. (2009). Diary of a wimpy kid concept analysis. Retrieved from http// Analysis.pdfWimpy greg. (2004). Retrieved from http//
Friday, May 24, 2019
Eating Customs and Traditions in Great Britain Essay
The usual meals in Great Britain ar breakfast, lunch, tea seasontime and dinner or in simplier al-Qaedas, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than you can m separate it on the Continent, though some side mass like a continental breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee. But the usual breakfast is porridge or Corn Flakes with milk or cream and sugar, becon and eggs, marmalade with butter toast, and tea or coffee. For a change you can have a boil egg, c overage ham, or perhaps fish.Lunch is usually served between twelve and one oclock. The businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he goes to a caf or to a restaurant, but those who atomic number 18 at home generally take a cold meat, e.g., beef, mutton, veal, ham, with boiled or fried derriereatoes, salad and pickles, with a pudding or fruit to follow. Sometimes you may have a mutton chop, steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese and a cup of coff ee.Afternoon tea follows between four and five oclock. You can hardly call it a meal, but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come in for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. You can have soup, fish, roast chicken, chops, potatoes and vegetables, a sweet, fruit and nuts. The two substantial meals of a day, lunch and dinner, atomic number 18 both more and less the same. But in a great many of English homes the midday meal is the chief one of the day, and in the evening they have the much simplier supper-an omelette, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.The two features of life in England that possibly give visitors their worst impressions are the English weather and English cooking. The former is something that nobody can do anything about, but cooking is something that can be learned. English food has often been describe as tasteless. Although this criticism has been more than justifies in the past, and in many instances save is, the situation is changing somewhat. One of the reasons that English cooking is improving is that so many people have been spending their holidays abroad and have learned to appreciate unfamiliar dishfules. However, there are still many British people who are so unadventurous when they visit other countries that will condemn everywhere that doesnt provide them tea and every fish and chips or sausages, baked beans and chips or overdone steak and chips.One of the traditional grouses about English food is the expressive style that vegetables are cooked. Firstly the only way that many British housewives know to cook green vegetables is to boil them for far too long in too much salt water and whence to throw the water away so that all the vitamins are lost. To make matters worst, they dont strain the vegetables sufficiently so that they appear as a soggy wet mass on the plate.It would be unfair to say that all English food is bad. Many traditional British dishes are as good as anything you can get anywhere. Nearly everybody knows about roast beef and Yorkshire pudding but this is by no means the only dish that is cooked well. A visitor if invited to an English home might well enjoy steak and kidney pudding or pie, saddle of mutton with red-currant jelly, all sorts of smoked fish, especially kippers, boiled salt beef and carrots to mention but a few.A strange thing about England that the visitor may notice is that most of the good restaurants in England are run and staffed by foreigners-for example, there is a larger number of Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurants and to less extent French and Spanish ones.The food and crapulence department has two principal aims. The number 1- and the more important one- is to provide a standard of food and deglutition service consistent with the expectations of the quests. The second aim is to support the food and b everage operation within the limits set by the food and beverage department and thus to contribute to the overall profitability of the establishment. It is clearly that beverage sales are not only an important part of the sales mix of hospitality establishments but also more profitable than food sales. deep brown is one of the most popular beverages of the world. It is made from berries grown in tropical climates and shipped to the country green that is unroasted. The berries produced vary in composition and the treatment after picking. For this reason, Mocha, Java, Arabica and sulphur American coffees are quite distinct from each other. There are three main methods of preparing coffee- boiling, percolating and drip method. The coffee should not stand long in advance serving. tea is made from the leaves of tea bush which is indigenous to the Orient. Black tea is made from leaves which are fermented before drying. Green tea is not fermented the leaves are smashed and dried. There are two main ways of serving tea English tea is served in cups and with milk or cream Russian tea is served in glasses with a slice of lemon.Cocoa and chocolate. As beverages made from them are generally made with milk, they are much more nutritious than the other beverages. Cocoa and chocolate are made from beans or seeds of trees which grow in tropical countries. Also drinks can be classified into soft drinks which contain no spirits (such as lemonades, Pepsi, Coke, etc.) and strong ones, they contain some part of alcohol (such as whisky, gin, wine, liquor, beer). Tea in English is a suitable occasion for complaisant intercourse, when people often come in for a chat over their cup of tea. There are two kinds of tea, afternoon tea and high tea. Afternoon tea takes place between three-thirty and four-thirty and consists of tea, bread, butter and jam, followed by cakes and biscuits. High tea is a substantial meal and is eaten between five-thirty and six-thirty by families which dont usually have a late dinner. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or a kipper, or tinned salmon, with a strong tea, bread and butter, followed by stewed fruit, or tinned pears, apricots or pineapple with cream or custard and cake.Tea-making in England is an art. The hostess first of all rinses the teapot with boiling water (this is called contendming the pot) before adding four or five teaspoons of tea. The amount of tea varies, of course, according to the number of people present. The pot is then filled with boiling water and covered by a tea-cosy to allow the tea to infuse for five minutes. English people seldom establish lemon juice or rum into their tea, usually they have it with milk. The English custom of afternoon tea, as it is said, goes back to the late eighteenth century, when Anne, wife of the seventh Duke of Bedford, decided that she suffered from a sinking feeling at around 5 p.m. and needed tea and cakes to bring back her st rength. Before long, complaints were perceive that the labourers lose time to come and go to the tea-table and farmers servants even demand tea for their breakfast. Tea had arrived. Fashionable Tea Rooms were opened for high society, and soon tea became the bailiwick drink of all classes.Today the British drink more tea than any other nation an average of 4 kilos a head per annum, or 1650 cups of tea a year. They drink it in bed in the morning, round the fire on winter afternoons and out in the garden on fortunate summer days. In times of trouble the kettle is quickly put on, the tea is made and comforting cups of the warm brown liquid are passes round. Tea has even played its part in wars. When George III of England tried to make the American colonists pay import duty on tea, a group of Americans disguised as Red Indians dumped 342 chests of tea into the sea in Boston Harbour the Boston Tea Party which led to the War of Independence. In another war the Duke of Wellington sens ibly had a cup of tea before starting the Battle of Waterloo, to clear my head. In peace time official approbation of the national drink came from the Victorian Prime Minister, Gladstone, who remarked If you are cold, tea will warm you if you are heated, it will cool you if you are depressed, it will cheer you if you are excited, it will calm you.What exactly is tea? Basically, it is a drink from the dried leaves of a plant that only grows in hot countries. The British first heard of tea in 1598, and first tasted it in about 1650. For nearly two centuries all the tea was imported from China, until, in 1823, a tea plant was set up growing naturally in Assan in India. Sixteen years later the first eight chests of Indian tea were sold in London, and today, Londons tea markets deal in tea from India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and from Africa more than from China. Plum pudding is sure of its place of honour on Christmas dinner table. Some English people could even dispense with mincepies, bu t a Christmas dinner in Britain without the traditional pudding would be strange indeed. The Christmas pudding is a direct descendant of the old time hackin, or plum porridge, beloved by English people in the middle ages. In those days it was made of beef or mutton broth thickened with brown bread, with prunes, raisins, currants, ginger and maize beingness added to the boiling mixture.This was served as a thick soup and eaten at the beginning of the meal. In the 18th century, plum porridge began to change its character with the addition of flour. The porridge thus turned into plum pudding and it became the custom to eat it at the end of the meal. Nowadays, in addition to the elemental mixture of flour, bread-crumbs, suet and eggs, the ingredients of Christmas pudding include raising, currants, candied peel, chopped almonds and walnuts, grated carrot and a good measure of brandy, whisky or old ale on place of the described mutton broth. In many households the mixing of the pudding is quite a ceremony with all the members of the family taking turns to stir and make a wish.After being boiled for several hours, the pudding is stored until the time comes for heating it on Christmas Day when it is brought to the table on a large dish, big, round, dark-brown, with a flag or a place of holly stuck in at the top of it, and flames licking round its sides. The Christmas pudding is covered with white sauce and burning in brandy. Receiving each a slice, the guests are warned to eat carefully because sixpenny bits, shillings, a tiny silver bell and a silver horse-shoe have been put in it. Those who find the treasure are supposed to have money in the coming year, whoever gets the bell is to be married, and the horse-shoe is the traditional sign of good luck.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Jenya Mavromati Panayiotis Karafotias IREL-480-9 For my paper I decided to write about the ambassadors of Denmark, The United States of America and Uruguay. His Excellency Mr. Tom Norring, the ambassador of Denmark, was one of the ambassadors to tote up this semester. He decided to focus his speech not on his country tho more on the global fiscal crisis and how it affected Greek economy. He said that even without the crisis the situation in Greece would have been messy. Despite the fact that Maastricht Treaty allows the GDP deficit in European countries not more than 3% Greece had deficit 6-7%.Ambassador said that in 2006-2007 the government of Kostas Karamanlis managed to restrain the deficit to the acceptable level, but later in 2008 they failed. Karamanlis hoped that he would be reelected and he promised to restrain the deficit, but people lost faith in him. Later George Papandreou revealed the new information about the deficit. The deficit for that time was not 8% but 12%. And thence the rescue program was established by the European Union. So Greece took course to the EU and the IMF. They wanted a hard cash and the EU and IMF tried to help with it. Then the restructuring fund was established.The public expenses had to be cut. As ambassador said Greece has one of the biggest public administrations and the cutting of public sector expenses will help to subside the deficit. He also pointed out that 25% of Greek economy is black economy. The only one thing which he said about his country was that the Denmark is not the part of Eurozone. One of the reasons I enjoyed the speech of Danish ambassador was because he seemed very honest when talking about the topic. When giving his speech, he gave personal examples and unendingly referred to the audience.The second ambassador was the ambassador of Uruguay, his Excellency Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales. He decided to focus his speech on his country and its relations with Greece and other European countries. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales, talked about semipolitical system in Uruguay, that it is arepresentative democraticrepublic with a hot seatial system. Also, he told us that, the members of government are elected for a five-year ground by auniversal suffragesystem. Uruguay is aunitary state justice, education, health, security, foreign policy, defence are all administered nationwide.The Executive Power is exercised by thepresidentand acabinetof 13 ministers. Plus to that, Mr. Ambassador talked about Uruguay as one of the biggest wool and meat exporter to the EU countries. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo, told the audience, that Uruguay is one of the most economically substantial countries in South America, with a highGDPper capita and the 52nd highestquality of life indexin the world. Uruguay is rated as the 2nd least corrupt country inLatin America(behindChile), although Uruguay scores considerably better than Chile on domestic polls of corruption perception.Its political and labour conditions are the highest level of freedom on the continent. The third ambassador, I want to talk about, is the ambassador of the United States of America, his Excellency Mr. Daniel Smith. Ambassador focused his speech on Greek- Turkish relations and financial crisis. His speech was very diplomatic, and tried to keep neutrality, when some students asked him questions about problems in Libya and Greek-Turkish conflicts. But, Mr. Smith, gave very clear idea, about the USA and its foreign relations. Also
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Analyse Hytners version by comparing and reviewing the play scenes Essay
In this essay I am going to analyse Hytners version by comparing and reviewing the nobble impressions. My essay is also going to involve comments on the language, opening scenes, settings and characters.I think that the stage play is longer than the screen play because the screen play is summarized, this is because in films you dont induct long speech because in that location are other things around that help you understand, for example when the girls are in court and Abigail pretends to get cold when she agree bloody shame Warren but in the book this is written in a long speech but in the video it is cut down because there is body language used also in the stage play Parris takes books from Hale but in the screenplay arse proctor takes the books because Proctor is the main character, so the main character should welcome Hale at this time Parris is inside with the girls.We are introduced to the one of the main characters when the film begins which is at the night. The first sh ot we see of the film is Abigail sitting bolt upright in bed because she cant sleep because of fanny Proctor. She cant wait to go scroll spells in the woods, which the girls had planned and is looking forward to it. The movement of the girls is very suspicious because you are curious were they are going because they do everything planned, you be asking yourself, why are there so m any and why are they so quiet? I think that the dancing scene brings a cumulation of excitement to the audience. And when Abigail kills the chicken and licks the blood.I think she is stupid there and heartless because she is killing someone just for her love also the audience is very blow out of the water when they see her doing this. Our attention is on Abigail throughout the opening scene because shes the first person we see and she takes the lead by drinking chicken blood, she is make to be attractive to the men. Witchcraft starts when Betty falls ill, and everyone thinks she has been witched, also A bigail says they were only dancing but the video shows them conjuring spirits. The main characters in the crucible are John Proctor and Abigail Williams. Abigail is very evil when she pretended that Mary is sending her spirit and making the girl come cold, she acts different at the time, and she is very blue when she is demonstrating this act.John Proctor is powerful in his own way for example when he tells Abigail he dont lover her and pushes her away, he also is very cocksure when he confesses the affair he had with Abigail. He is also a risk taker because when he doesnt sign the paper and has to be hanged But John Proctor is a caring and calm to his children and wife and the village also think that he is an excellent man but the village and his family dont get it on that he has been faithful by having an affair behind there back. John Proctor is not a very religious man he had not gone to church throughout the whole play. When Abigail is initially talking to Betty and the girls , the camera is facing Abigail when she speaks the effect this has is that we can see things from Abigail perspective.The lighting is very dim and woolgathering the only light we can see is the natural light from the windows. The style of lighting ads to the mood of the scene by then we can realize that this scene is going to be important that the conversation between Abigail and Betty is serious and dull. When the girls are in the woods the lighting is misty, there is a bit of light on the girls mostly on Abigail as there is talking it goes from one person to another. Overall I think that the screen play is better than stage play because in the screen play I could understand what is happening but in the stage play I was confused, because I had to read it and it was quiet confusing but when I watched the video it had people to it so they help me understand more.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Btec Business Level Essay
TESCOs customers want a quality product they ass buy for a reasonable price. They want these products to be of good amount because the customer is spending their money on the products. Customers want the money they spend on purchasing these products to be worth it and that the quality they receive from the amount they gestate paid to be of a good standard. TESCO respond to this need by making sure to they sell the right products for their store because if they dont they could abide a valuable customer, customers are the one putting their money into the revenue of the company.TESCO are eternally building impertinently stores around the world all of the clip but some people disagree with them building them, as we have found out in Bristol last year when there was riot oer TESCO being built. TECOs business objective of To be a creator of highly valued brands is beguiled by the customer stakeholder. This is because the part of the objective be a creator this means that they want to have a high valued brands to make sure the customers return again to buy their products that they are selling in the store.Directors/Managers Directors want to have the business to strive and make sure their employees are happy with the conditions they are working in. They everlastingly are working to improve the business. TESCOs business objective To grow the UK core is influenced by the directors because they want to the company to be the best that it croup be and to strive well by creating new opportunities for their employees and building new stores to give the unemployed jobs to go too. GovernmentGovernment influence TESCO because they make the decisions on how much assess is given to the company, they also influence TESCO by deciding when they can build the stores and whether its applicable to be in that particular area. TESCO business objective To grow the UK core. The government influence this because they set the tax and make sure they are operating within the guidel ines, they read through the planning applications for where they want the stores to be. SuppliersSuppliers influence TESCO by the growth of purchasing the long term contracts, this links to the business objective of To grow retail services in all our markets because when they want to expand their business they want to make sure that the suppliers can supply the same product for every store they have. A benefit of having local suppliers is that it supports the community, and as Tesco has varied stores all around the world which means different countries require different suppliers. EmployeesTESCO workers want a regular work and pay, good wages for the work and hours they do and to be a valued member of the team. To be listened to when they have a problem or they have a fault that affects their working conditions and they are all given training to make sure they can work to the full maximum of what Tesco wants. TESCOs business objective To build our team so that we create more value is influenced by the employee stakeholder this is because TESCO are always looking for new employees and that new people are joining the team every day to expand the business even more.Employees are key for customers to return. Shareholders TESCOs business objective To be an outstanding international retailer in stores and online. This influenced by the shareholders because they are suggesting improvements that affect the quality of what they are selling and expanding their business with champion with the directors of the company. Tesco need shareholders money to expand because they are the ones who are investing in the company but also shareholders do expect a dividend at the end. CommunitiesTESCO communities always have preservations on whether they like the store where it is and whether they think it is right for the area. TESCO try and work together with the communities where their stores are, TESCO business objective To put our responsibilities to the communities we serve at the tenderness of what we do. This influenced by the community because they suggest ideas to the store. Tesco are providing a local service to the community with providing jobs which is means more money going to the government. TESCO try their best to spay these and make the store a better place for customers.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Identity and Belonging – Change Can Be Easy or Hard – Reference to Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
passim your life the process of yearsing is constantly influencing your identity. As William Shakespe be wrote All the knowledge domains a stage, And all the men and women only if players They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his succession plays umpteen parts,. Our identity is forever changing and this is because we argon forever ageing. Throughout out the three main stages of ageing youth, middle age, elderly- we dont dear age physically, we age physiologically as well. Hence as we age we mature, be acquire wiser and much awake of the world well-nigh us.As of this our views change from each stage of life, thus inflicting our identity to change. Although some hatful find this transition from one stage of life to the next to be difficult and dread upon its occurrences whereas others venerate ageing and just take it as it comes. As a baby we have our identity created for us, they cite give me the boy at vii and I will give you the man implying that u ntil the age of seven a child is dependent on their very first social unit, that is family.It is the multiplicity and complexity of family that gives children veridical life experiences into human relationships and what teaches them morals and values which will incessantly be a part of their identity, although as you age, and mature you become less dependent on your family and are able to venture out into the world. This unremarkably happens around the age of adolescence. This is a time when adolescences have the world at their feet and they are servants to their own dreams. some people enjoy this part of growing up as their bodies are at the peak, meaning they are able to push them to do whatever they want. They are less susceptible to illnesses and less likely to deadening themselves when they do the personifys ability to repair at that age is remarkable. Not only are they at the physically peak of their unrecordeds, they are usually at the social peak.Their social networks at this age are usually highly complex and turning 18 opens the doors to a once prohibited world full of new adventures and experiences, such as going clubbing, driving and being classed as an adult. However many an(prenominal) adolescence find it hard to transition to adulthood as they no wideer have the burdens of high school day pressures and friends. This similarly creates problems for people who only have social networks that they have from school meaning when school is everyplace they need to adapt to a new environment and become independent.This can be emotional and daunting for many youth. Middle age is a crisis for many people both men and women. It is a time when they have left the excitement and potential of their youth, instead they reflect behind on where they have come from and often look with dread towards their older years, in Ray Lawyers Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll this rate of flow of time effects many characters negatively as they cannot accept they ar e aging and thus depend change as a daunting factor.Roo, the ganger of a team of cane cutters, realises he is ageing when his back gives way and he is forced to step down as top dog. Since he was boylike he had been a cane cutter, that was his identity but because of his ageing body, his identity will change as he can no longer be a cane cutter, this not only affects Roo but also olive. chromatic has been in the group since it started seventeen summers ago and is reflecting on her life so far, remembering the clock when Roo and Barney would come down South to see her and Nancy during the layoff.However since Nancy has left the group to go get married, Olive realises that she is turning 40 soon and is still clinging to her glory days. In order to keep her youth she has decorate the lounge room with the keepsake dolls to testify her persistence on keeping the group together and displaying her symbols of youth. With Olives fixing of keeping the group together revels a woman who c annot accept that she is getting older and who can localize to the new era in her identity.For olive, the change of getting older is not physically but more physiological as she sees this change as losing her youth. Although middle age is not eer negative for everyone. Although Nancy is the accelerator pedal for the groups breakdown, she realises that she can no longer act like a youth, as she did with Olive and the group and as such has accepted the fact that she is getting older, hence why she abandoned her friends to corroborate down and get married to start the next chapter in her life.Although many people believe its the best years of life as it is the only time you really live as the young are slaves to dreams the old are servants of regrets. Only the middle aged have all their 5 senses in the keeping of their wits. The last period of life that has been categorised as old age and is now considered to be after 65. Some people choose to accept old age as a positivistic as they have lived their lives and are now in retirement.Many elderly people see being able to retire as being able to act like they are young once again as they have completed the majority of lives responsibilities, such as rearing children and working for a living, this gives many the opportunity to travel and do what they desire but at a cost. Having lived for such a long time has taken a physical toll on the body, it is weaker and more frail then that of a youthful person, hence why some older people see old age as a negative.They feel as though they are stuck inside an old carcass and believe that reputation is cruel tis jest to make old age look like a fool (because) the body crumbles, grace and vigour depart No matter what age you are there will always be a positive and a negative but regardless of this, age will always influence your identity as it changes your thoughts as you become wiser and more knowledgeable about the world around you. Throughout each age group you will h ave new realisations about the environment you live in and this will cause a physiological or physiological a change which influences your identity.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Nurse Patient Communication
According to the article, Nurse-Patient Communication Barriers in Iranian Nursing (Anoosheh et al, 2009) communicating is one of the basic social needs of human beings. This article is the exposition of a study done to better understand the barriers that inhibit nurse-patient communication. Communication is critical in the care for profession and tail end be considered a main aspect of nursing care.Patients and families count on nurses to cover them informed, help them feel connected to their physicians and other caregivers, to listen to them, to ease their anxiety, and to protect and watch over them during their health care experience. However, many studies (Anoosheh et al. 2009) have shown poor results in the quality of nurse patient communication. There is the risk that nurses digest become focused on tasks, physiological needs of the patient and time management at the set down of psychological needs.I am a firm believer that the psychological aspect of human beings bottom of the inning without delay influence our physical state. I agree with the statement in the article that communication can be, an intrinsic part of nursing care but also as a treatment by itself (Anoosheh et al. 2009). As I give care in my nursing practice I can improve communication by confirming patient feelings by asking questions such as, How are you feeling today? or How do you feel more or less your upcoming procedure? .To help patients know what to expect I can explain what care I will be performing, how long it will take and what their role may be. Another aspect that is necessary for quality patient care is collaborating with the patient by asking questions like, What can we do better? and, How is the treatment working? These patient centered questions can get patients talking about their thoughts and feelings. With a positive nurse patient relationship, there can be patient and family satisfaction and an surroundings that supports healing.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Chuck Staley, A Case Study of Leadership Excellence
This fount study depart be based upon a comparison of principles found in John C. maxwells platter, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of leaders. This text is foundational in the stand upment and demonstration of succeederful leadership. It is my opinion, that Charles E. Staley, usu anyy known as wander Staley, personifies many of the mandates of a great leader as suggested within the place setting of maxwells book. It comes as no surprise that when asked by capital of Wisconsin County Chamber of Commerce President, Kyle Morey, What book has inspired you the most? , flings reply was, Leadership by John C. Maxwell. Although not either one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is Chucks strengths, many ar. I will talk oer the demonstration of those strengths in the following paragraphs. Who is Chuck Staley? Chuck Staley is a sustenancelong resident of Anderson, atomic number 49. Shortly upon commencement from high school, Chuck joined the United States Marines, serving as a Cor poreal in the prototypical Marine Di mint in 1964-1967 during the Viet Nam conflict . He married Lynn Vicars on July 14, 1971 and has two children, Catherine (Staley) Daniels and the late David Staley.Chuck is the current President and Chief Executive Officer of the Flagship Enterprise pith (FEC), which was created in 2003 with a partnership between Anderson University and the city of Anderson. Through Staleys vision and focussing, the FEC has back up in the creation of 104 companies and over 2,000 jobs. The FEC has grown steadily as it has added immature feares over the past decade and is currently located in a Center consisting of nearly 300,000 square feet. Success was not merely recognized at the local level, notwithstanding in the FEC was named a U. S. surgical incision of Commerce Center of Excellence under Chucks leadership. Since its beginning, the Flagship under Staleys leadership has forged alliances with Purdue University, the Indiana Economic training Corporati on and the US Department of Commerce. In 2011, the FEC began another partnership when Staley, Frank Levinson and Ann Wilson opened the Levinson Center for Social and Faith Based Entrepreneurship. The Levinson Center is located within the Flagship and specializes in businesses and organizations that innovate in the areas of surroundal, humanitarian, educational and social issues within the frame hammer of sustainability and live on business principles.The Levinson Center has launched nine organizations to date that range from energy independence for coastal Alaskan Indian vill progresss, to Teachers of Promise in Kenya and a new educational paradigm, auspicateed the Impact Center, for nontraditional minority students in Anderson, Indiana. With Staley in leadership, national credit rating has become common for companies such as COEUS and Echo Drive as they turn over becomed markets in the technology field. Furthermore, The Flagship has begun to hit impact globally with the addit ion of Greenville Technology Inc. (GTI), Altairnano, an energy storage company, as well as hosting the headquarters of Keihin North America. Staley has provided growth for many small business by developing an industry leading(p) Microloan program including small business consulting. The Microloan program has had tremendous impact on business incubation and maintains the status of issuing the most microloans of any location in Indiana, with most loans being issues to women and/or minority owned businesses. 3 Staley has chaired several boards, including the Anderson Plan Commission, White River Development Commission and the GM blue angel Ribbon Commission.He was President Elect of the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, co-chairman of the World Class City Forum, and co-founder and managing director of Energize East Central Indiana. He is currently chairman of the board of directors for Community Hospital Anderson and serves on the board of the new-madely launched Impact Center. S taley also serves as the President and CEO of the RSI Facilities Group, a consulting, engineering and caution group, which has been involved in several commercial, industrial and residential projects.Although Staley has found success in leadership, he continues to be lifelong learning carry emerges the likes of that of the Leadership Academy of Madison County (LAMC). Not only is he an alumni of the organization, but continues to computer backup LAMC in the exploitation of other emerging leaders. The information compiled in this document contains data and muniment from research. It also contains information from ad hominem interview and observation. As a citizen from Anderson and Madison County and an employee of Anderson University, I have witnessed Chuck Staleys leadership over past decades.I have watched him develop neighborhoods, businesses, and large number. This account of leadership is two objective and personal. I am not alone in my respect for his leadership. Most recently, Staley received the prestigious Sagamore of the Wabash award. The Sagamore of the Wabash award, created by Gov. Ralph Gates in the 1940s, is considered one of the highest awards that bunghole be bestowed by the regulator of Indiana. It is a personal tribute usually hold inn to those who have provided a distinguished service to the state. (Pendleton Gazette, 2013). 4 How does Chuck Staley exemplify leadership in reference to the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership?John Maxwell begins his book suggesting that there are 2 critical components leadership. Maxwell states, Serving others and showing others the way both(prenominal) essential in demonstrating successful leadership (Maxwell, 2007). Chuck Staley has done this in various ways. As mentioned earlier, he serves on many different boards and is involved in various community endeavors. Not only has Staley do it a habit of profession, but he is cerebrationful and kind to many and all types of individuals he comes in con tact with, young, old, educated, or challenged.A student of shearert Greenleafs writings and teachings from the Center for Servant Leadership as well as the teachings on servant hood from the Bible, Staley embraces opportunities to lead by doing with and for others. A servantleader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of originator by one at the top of the pyramid, servant leadership is different.The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. states Greenleaf. (2013). In organizations like the IMPACT Center in Anderson, IN, Staley assisted in the beginning of the vision for the organization. He gave of his time, influence, and expertise to compel a dream a pragmatism for many minority leaders in his community. As the CEO of the Flagship Enterprise, Staley has partn ered with Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs like Anderson Universitys FallsSchool of Business to develop young entrepreneurs and business students by hosting them as interns at the FEC. He has assisted in developing contracts with the businesses that the FEC helps incubate that also give opportunities for students and graduates to develop their skills under the guidance of those at the FEC. Many of these students (25-30%) have gone on to incubate business of their own. 5 Law 1-Law of the Lid. Leadership ability determines a persons level of impressiveness. The law of the lid states that ones leadership ability-for better or for worse-always determines your impellingness. ( pg. 1) Chuck has proven over the old age that his lid is set at a high level because his leadership has demonstrated impact. While building the momentum at the FEC, Staley built sozzled relationships with those in his inner circle, those he had to engage with to position the business for succes s, and potential clients. He built a small aggroup of individuals who maintained the same leadership, vision, and slide byion that he had certain. Staley worked with them to manage, lead, and incubate businesses under the guidance of and team management and servant leadership.Staley always built teams that focused on organizational effectiveness but were precise aware that they must also be personally effective as leaders to reach cleverness as an organization. The leadership teams at the FEC have been very successful as they have become the states leading small business microloan lender even surpassing that of Bloomington and Lafayette. But when asked, Staley readily suggests, that leadership is the issue. Creating a vision that people can get behind and supporting them as they empower others is a key grammatical constituent that I promote, commented Staley, when asked about the success of the FEC.It is apparent that he takes his responsibility seriously and works with great causal agency to build a team that leads with the same tactile sensations and priorities that he holds. Law 2-Law of Influence. The true measure of leadership is influence- zippo more, nothing less. The law of influence would argue that if one doesnt have influence, one will never be able to lead others. (pg. 11). Staley is skilled at sightedness opportunities and going after them as an entrepreneur, however, his skill goes beyond entrepreneurship. In a business of victorious risks, Staley is up for the task.He operates with an 80-20 school of thought, where he takes calculated risks when he hits the 80% risk reduction benchmark. Never wanting to miss opportunity that comes along, Staley will 6 allow for a amount of risk. He can only operate at that level by having influence with those well-nigh him. There is a trust eventor that is afforded the decisions that Staley makes, knowing that even in the 20% risk zone where failure may occur, Chuck will take opportunity to learn a nd lift forward, always seeing new possibilities in each failure.His influence allows him the privilege to operate a this capacity and have others support him in the movement. Economic Development Director, for the City of Anderson, Greg Winkler recognizes the influence that Staley has and invites him to be engaged with businesses and the public whenever change or challenges present themselves. Winkler recognizes Staleys leadership and influence and save ups him in close counsel with most economic development decisions being made in the city. Law 3-Law of Process. Leadership develops daily, not in a daytime. Persistence is a word that is often used to describe Staley.As counsel for business incubation with businesses like satiny Automotive, Staley spent years visiting funding sources like the United States Department of Commerce (USDC), Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the State of Indiana to advocate for financial investment and support. Advocating is a unconsci ous process. Staley believes in the long allure and staying dedicated to the process. He believes that discipline in process keeps you focused and organized, professionally and personally. In a recent interview, Staley confirmed what others had observed.He has a daily routine that includes the discipline of person growth and spiritual development. Staley considers himself a lifelong learner and takes time daily to read and reflect on professional and personal issues. He recently stated, I want to experience quality of life well into old age. That doesnt go on by chance. Staley realizes that change, planning, development, and growth dont happen over night. Being committed to a process and disciplining ones body , mind, and spirit are all an essential part of Staleys day to day routine. 7 Law 4-Law of Navigation. allone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. When asked what experiences in life have best shaped his leadership philosophy, Staley is quick to re spond about his military experience during his formative years of life. Staley began serving in the United States Marine Corps at the young age of 17. At the time he enlisted, his mother had to sign the papers because he was not yet of age. By the time that Chuck left the Marines four years later as a Corporeal Sergeant, Staley had developed leadership strategies that still take on an important role in his success today.He adopted the mode of working as a team. The Marines worked in teams of four men. Roles were well defined for the individual, but all effort and progress was made as a team. The team was large decorous that it offered expertise, but small enough that it could move quickly. They were given responsibility and clearance in the field that enabled them to work and move in the directions they thought were best and necessary without micro-management from different levels in the chain of command. Staley learned that you never leave anyone behind, and that you look out fo r those on you team. You always had the equitable of the team in mind, reflected Staley. The team strategy and the need to see the tough picture, was a big take away from the Marines. he continued. This strategy and method continue to make Staley effective in charting the course for current business innovation. Maxwell states in his book, First rate navigators always have in mind that other people are depending on them and their ability to chart a good course. (pg. 39) Staley learned that decades ago and applies it to his relationships today.When Staley enters into business development processes for the businesses he is assisting with, he is looking out for the team, with their agenda in mind, and not his own. He doesnt suggest that there are not mistakes along the way, but he takes time daily to reflect on the decisions of the past in effort to inform current and forthcoming business and personal decisions. 8 Law 5-Law of Addition. Leaders add value by serving others. I believ e the bottom line in leadership isnt how out-of-the-way(prenominal) we advance ourselves but how far we advance others. That is achieved by serving others and adding value to their lives. This statement from Maxwell is echoed by Staley in many of the messages he delivers to individuals and groups throughout the state and country. When addressing graduates of the Leadership Academy of Madison County in 2012, Staley re-enforced all that he had learned through the study of Robert Greenleaf many years prior. This philosophy of service to others regardless of title or position is apply in every area of Staleys influence. Not only has Staley received numerous recognitions and awards over the years for his commitment to community and service to others, he has nominated and recognized many others.Two of the Madison County genus Athene Award recipients in the last three years have been women nominated and supported by Staley and his belief in their ability to lead through service to others . Staley is quick to remind listeners, that his study of the Bible and the call to be like Christ, a servant to all, impacts his behavior. He is careful to reflect daily on the rectitude that God desire us not only to treat people with respect, but also to actively reach out to them and serve them. Law 15-Law of Victory. Leaders find a way for the team to win.bankruptcy is not an option. It wasnt in the Marines, and it isnt at the FEC. In fact, when questioned about recent perceived failures in the venture with aglow(predicate) Automotive, a green technology for a workforce fleet of trucks and vans, Staley defends the process by suggesting that many new relationships and business were began at the FEC as a firmness of purpose of the venture with Bright. To Staley, although the outcome was not what was first envisioned and hoped for, but the lessons learned and the outcomes post venture have led to new levels of success and progress. 9Bright Automotive wasnt left with a huge dept and forced to close its doors. Staley established strong relationships with other companies on their behalf, and Bright was able to join other green self-propelling technologies and continue to impact technology. Staley was noted as saying, Obstacles are tests that serve to prove, or disprove a hypothesis. null more, nothing less. He has learned that obstacles and challenges provide opportunities. You reflect, learn, implement new strategy and move on. Failure doesnt stop you, as a leader you find a way for people to win. Law 11-Law of the privileged Circle. A leaders potential is determined by those closest to him. Chuck Staley has opportunity to accept many individuals into his closest circle. But Staley understands the value and responsibility of maintaining relationships with those who are closest to you. Staley has a list of those he considers peers by age, expertise, or influence that he consults with on a regular basis. Any time he is contemplating change, innovation, or entirely new ventures, Staley consults with those in his inner circle.Those individuals include Greg Winkler, Director, Economic Development for the City of Anderson Rob Sparks, Executive Director of the Corporation of Economic Development in Madison County Tom Snyder, President of common ivy Tech Community College mike Pence, Governor of the State of Indiana Lani Czarnieki, District Director Congressman Mike Pence Keith Trent, Vice President/Chief Foundation Officer, Community Hospital Anderson John Watters, former CEO Bright Automotive Sena Landey, Vice President for Finance Administration Earlham College and his wife of over 40 years, Dr.Lynn Staley, Professor old of Ball State and current Superintendent of Liberty Christian Schools. Staley contributes all of his successful decisions and planning to the intuition gained from the friendships and expertise of those in his inner circle. 10 Law 18-Law of Sacrifice. Leaders must give up to go up. Chuck Staley is a private man. He relishes time alone to contemplate, reflect, and create. His greatest pleasure in life comes from spending time with his family, including his newly wedded daughter and son in law.Understanding that sacrifice comes with leadership, Staley submits to the tightly filled schedule of events, meetings, speaking engagements, ground breaking ceremonies, strategic planning sessions, and media releases. He does recognize the fact that in order to be an effective leader, one must give up many things including personal space. Keeping a low profile as a leader is not an option. commented Staley when asked what he has had to give up in his role of CEO of the FEC. It is difficult to be so public. Like many leaders, Staley finds that it can be isolating at the top. He works hard to remain part of the team and work from ground level, but at times when the leaders is the one to cast the vision, draw the buy in, and make hard decisions, he realized he must step up. Although Staley values his investm ent in people, he realizes that at times it is at the expense of those in his family. His routine and discipline allow for balance, but he acknowledges that there are only so many hours in a day, and you must give up something to get something, even in relationships.Law 21 Law of Legacy. A leaders durable value is measured by succession. Recently, upon receiving the Sagamore of the Wabash Award from Governor Mike Pence and local state legislators Terri Austin, jackstones Lutz and Tim Lanane, Austin said in a press release, I am particularly pleased that this recognition gives us a chance to recognize that Chuck Staley has been committed toward linking economic development and social awareness. Although Staley isnt planning on walking away from the FEC in the immediate future, he is aware that day will eventually come and he is working diligently to make the connections and grow the leadership to carry on the success of the Flagship and the collaborations that exist because of it s existence. 11 Staley has a goal for his life. It is to leave his community and central Indiana economically stronger and healthier by creating more opportunities for individuals and families to experience quality of life and success as a result of his service to God and others.He hopes to create a brighter future for those who come behind him. Although there are many other attributes one could demonstrate in regard to Chuck Staleys leadership abilities in comparison to the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, time and space has permitted me to only list a few. During my interviews and research with Chuck, I discovered several things that I thought were noteworthy about his life, passions, habits, and thoughts. All of these notations could be found in the application of Maxwells laws of leadership.I would like to share a few of those with you now. Staley spent 12 years on the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. When asked about his impact, Staley commented that he encouraged others t o think about the larger picture. He promoted collaboration as a way of behaving in business, even over competing. I asked his colleague to tear down walls due to the fact that in these economic times, one cant build walls high enough to keep others out. He advocated that businesses think in terms of taking a piece of the pie instead of consuming a entire pie.During his tenure, the Chamber developed two new associations Females in Business (FAB) and the Young Professionals Association (YPA). They also developed the Mad9 Mixer. Mad(ison)9 is a partnership of nine Madison County organizations with the common mission of realizing a positive vision for the future of our business community and region. Mad9 set the standard of relationship building beyond boundaries by helping businesses and civic leaders connect, communicate, and create commerce. The partnerships first initiative is to connect business and ivic leaders once a month around the county (north, south, atomic number 99 and west). 12 When asked about his proudest achievements at the FEC, Staley responded with these facts The FEC is the 1 Microloan processor in the state of Indiana. The FEC has been recognized by the Indiana Business Journal as the 1 creator of jobs in Indiana. The FEC has loaned over 74% of its microloans to women, minorities, and handicapped service Veterans. Staley credits his philosophy of taking care of each other from the Marines.He also creates an environment that rewards and recognizes hard work because of the declaration learned in the military that you Earn what you get. Nothing is given to you. When asked what he considers to be his strengths in leadership, Staley commented, I am visionary. I am persistent. I do not keep personal agendas. I tap into collective wisdom. I seek counsel from those smarter than myself. I lead with confidence, which allows me to pinch others and seek advise and wisdom from others. Staleys response risk taking I utilize the 80-20 rule.I am confide nt in a decision of data at 80% suggest its the right decision . I am willing to risk the 20% in order to capture opportunity. If you wait until you are 100% sure you are making the right decision, the opportunity will pass you by. Opportunities at the 80-20 level will offset any losses you might endure using the rule. If I allow others to use this rule and people do make mistakes, I allow them that privilege. We average learn, recover, and move on. In the world of innovation and entrepreneurship, there is always risk involved. You must seize opportunities and refuse to play it safe 100% of the time. Staleys favorite quote The seven most important words in the English language, Never give up, never, never, give up. Winston Churchill. 13 Leaders that have had impact on Staley Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, George Patton, chesty Puller, Jesus Christ. The kind of individuals Staley tries to attract /recruit to his team Competent Innovative Self motivated support ive Mission driven Team Players Staleys method for change Staley advocate that you follow the V Method. Any change, good or bad, results in a temporary negative response.Good changes eventually result in higher levels on the V, bad changes in lower levels. Poor leadership makes change more difficult. deal panic and make further changes. What results is change continues down the V. It is wise to implement change slowly, carefully, and not all at once or in succession. About establishing priorities Life is full of nice things to do, successful people do the necessary things first. I do first things first. In conclusion, the example that Chuck Staley has set for effective leadership has had great impact on the community and in business.He has developed his own philosophy of leadership based on his life experiences and the wisdom of other successful leaders. He lives his life in a way that creates value in others and opportunities for innovation, improvement, and success. In so many w ays, Staley exemplifies the truth found in the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership of John Maxwells book. It has been a lesson in leadership just to have researched and communicated with Staley myself. He is truly a hometown hero in leadership for the City of Anderson and Madison County.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Btec Business
evaluation of the businesses merchandise techniques and the potency of the businesses actlvltles. Introduction In this report I am writing about the effectiveness of the marketing technique used by the business of my choice which is Adidas AG. Also I will be using my research to make Judgements. Adidas AG Is a German sports clothing manufacturer and p arent keep keep company of the Adidas Group, which consists of the Reebok sportswear company, TaylorMade-Adldas golf company (Including Ashworth), and Rockport.Adidas uses brand awareness to promote there company and Its products, Ilke football boots. They are also the kit provider, to the German subject football team Adidas also sponsors the Argentine, Japanese, Mexican, Scottish, Spanish and Colombian national football teams, among an separate(prenominal)s. Adidas is very active at sponsoring top football clubs in Ger umpteen such as aspirinn Munich, Schalke, Hamburg, Bayer Leverkusen, and VfL Wolfsburg and top football clubs w orldwide such as R. S. C. Anderlecht, Rapid Vienna, Real Madrid C. F. , AC Milan, Dynamo Kyiv, Chelsea, Lyon,AFC Ajax, Galatasaray, Benfica, Fenerbah, Panathinaikos, Bolton Wanderers and many an(prenominal) others. As they use brand awareness they will always be a well-known company because a lot of people watch football and football Is an International sport so when walloping football clubs equivalent Real Madrid and Chelsea wear there kits with Adidas sponsoring the clubs, all the clubs fans will always loss to check who Adidas is as a company, and Adidas will make money from the football clubs as they will puzzle a lot of customers who like football and sports.Adidas diversified into the accessory market after doing well in the sports apparel arket, as they did this they produced, deodorants, perfumes, afters wastes, lotions, watches, eye-wear, and bags. Going into the accessory market meant that they could sell their products to a wider range of people, Including older peop le. indwelling accessory products Ilke deodorants would appeal to everybody as everyone would want to smell nice, and every accessory product I framed Is substantive so Adidas would be making a lot of money if people bought their products.I Analysls 0T A Strengths In many events they are the biggest sponsor, they create a strong anagement team, there brand recognition and reputation is really big, they have diversity and variety in products offered on their websites, they have strong control over their own statistical distri unlession channel, they dont have any bad reputation like child labor or environmental befoulment and in the Football industry, they have a stronghold, as they are noted. Weaknesses they have high prices in rough products, so this could turn people who dont have money to spend to other sports companies.There E-commerce is limited to USA as they are a atomic number 63an Company, this could be a big loss but, Reebok the ompany they also own is celebrated t here so they could make a lot of money even if they want Adidas in USA. The lineal sale to consumers is creating conflicts with its own resellers and online customer service not helpful or easy to find, this could put a lot of people annoyed with their company and this could cause people to go and look at other sports companies.Opportunities They have collaborated with other online retailers to offer Adidas products, and this could make them money and there products could be more known. They have collaborated with other online retailers to offer Adidas products his could be a big advantage as they will want to make a lot of money. The possibility of outsourcing the web development and e-commerce to a third party developer is high. Threats With Nikes strong reputation in the footwear and apparel industry they could lose out on a lot of money.The negative persona created by their sponsored athletes (i. e. Kobe Bryant and his sexual assault case), could harm their image as a good comp any. All the marketing techniques I have named have been very effective for Adidas as they used their successful company name to get sponsors to promote their products nd wear their products, and this was where they used the technique called brand awareness. They also used their celebrated name to diversify into the accessories market this had the opportunity to get them a lot of customers as they made crucial products like deodorant.The SWOT Analysis showed that they had different strengths like there stronghold on the Football Industry, but they have weaknesses like the limited services in the USA, and the USA is a big sporting country. They have a lot of opportunities to develop there company, but there is a lot f threats like the negative image of one of their most famous sponsors called Kobe Bryant having a sexual assault case against him.Conclusion In tnls report I learnt tnat companles use sports cluDs ana players to promote tnelr company, but the players that they sponsor could make the company sponsoring look bad. merely Adidas the company I wrote about is a big company that is struggling to get really famous in the USA, and they have stiff competition from Nike, which is an American company, but they are big in Europe and they are the biggest sports company in Europe.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Market Reaction Paper
On the busy streets of the Upper West side lies a two floor petit merchandise named Citarella. Located on 75th street and Broadway, this amazing gourmet foodstuff every(prenominal)ows purchasers to have a owing(p) quality of regimen even though it may cost a little more money. Citarella welcomes node into a neat and comfortable environment where customers and purchasers can shop for items in a relaxed, closely-organized place. All of the pabulum appears fresh and high quality. As a first timer ein truththing in the market seemed more upmarket and elegant, which immediately made me realize this market was a bully vendor.Citarella creates an atm that makes buyers want to enjoy their food shopping at this market. Upon reaching 75th Street, I find the big orange Citarella sign on the corner. The window display had actual message which already showed me how high quality and value their food was. It seemed very differently than my local markets about my neighborhood. I opene d the door and the market was full of people . This moldiness be a sign of a great market. The place was made of bricks, and all the walls were covered in different food displays of each individual food region.The fresh smell of vegetables an area of cooked food cultivated my nose right away. I s acerbed my analysis in the vegetables and fresh pasta section. They had various selection from ravioli, tortellini and umpteen others. Across from me, I saw the lettuce at a price range of $1. 89 lbs. This was awkward for me perceive lettuce being purchased by its weight. I also noticed Citarella promotes their new product in every section using big yellow tags stating the product name, price and injury.That idea is great if you are an experimental buyer or chef that like to try new things in the kitchen. Afterwards, I worked my way to the seafood section and noticed all the different types of seafood in stock. I looked down and seen groups of live lobsters in three big tanks. For a g auzy market, there was every product any person would need, from fat-free to organic products. Citarella carries various brands, including their own brand too. The meat department and fruit section were located on the first floor as well.All the meat looked healthy and all the fruits looked nice and ripped. As a gourmet market every section was well organized and established. The products seemed to be handled with outdo care to provide the best service possible. While looking around the market, a customer who spotted me writing on my pad asked, If I was a critic? I politely responded No then i asked. What makes you shop at Citarella? he replied The quality of the food. The due south floor was the dairy, cocoa section, and the bakery.I headed straight towards the bakery. I headed straight towards the bakery. Im addicted to sweets and all the pastries addressable looked so good and well polished. I ordered myself a small individual size berries tart with vanilla Creme at a pri ce of $1. 25. The pastry was delicious and for a small market, Citarella obtains a great bakery. Most markets wont provide this extra selection, which adds extra advantages to this market. On my right I noticed a big coffee section. There were many a(prenominal) coffee beans from various places.Having someone brew your coffee in person immediately appealed as as a great customer service to me. This market was just so welcoming. The experience in the market was great. I loved every aspect of it and get into Citarella open my mind to a different view of a market. I learned and seen so many different things I never realized while food shopping. The customer service was great and the atmosphere was full of tranquility. For a small gourmet market Citarella provides high quality value food at a price range that may be expensive to many but supply you with the best products.
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